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9 months ago

Are the pain actually coming from the jaw? And are the pain permanently present? Is it possible that you get a wisdom tooth?

Either way. In any case, it is urgently necessary to visit your home dentist. If you are currently in orthodontic treatment, go to your CFO.

If no tooth is responsible for your problem and your dentist can’t really help you, then look for a dentist who wants to CMD, gnathology, functional analysis and functional therapy specialized. Or when you live near a university, you go to the university clinic and treat yourself there.

There are many causes of jaw pain and jaw pain. Very often this occurs through a combination of muscle tensions and anatomical problems within the joint. Furthermore, stress reactions, dental treatments, habits, head feeling, body abnormality and a false bite can be the cause.

Dentists in your environment, with this special training you can find on the Internet. A established dentist without this additional training can usually not help you with a dysfunction

9 months ago

Hey :)) That doesn’t sound good.

Pine pain, especially if they only occur on one side and opening the mouth is painful, could indicate a pine joint disease like a temporomandibular disorder — but that sounds rather unlikely.

It would be advisable to visit a dentist or orthodontist to clarify the exact cause and discuss suitable treatment options.

9 months ago

If you have an inflammation in the jaw joint, call your dentist tomorrow for a timely appointment.

9 months ago

Doesn’t sound very horny to a specialist