Kieferorthopäde beleidigt mich und kündigt nach nicht hingehen?
ich brauche dringend Hilfe und einen rat
mich bin seit ca 2 Jahren bei einem Kieferorthopäden und seit einem Jahr bin ich nicht mehr hingegangen weswegen die Behandlung abgebrochen wurde . Kurz zum Sachverhalt der artzt hat sich jedes Mal über meine Zähne lustig gemacht hat rassistische Äußerungen getätigt und mich vor seinen anderen Patienten bloß gestellt in dem er z.b Dinge gesagt hat wie : Kuck dir mal deine Zähne an so willst du doch nicht enden oder , kuck mal er sieht aus wie ein Vampir mit seinen Zähnen oder hat mich jedes Mal richtig runter gemacht für meine Zähne ich konnte aber nichts dafür deswegen war ich da dort . Einmal meinte er sogar ich stamme von einer abgestorbenen rasse ab wegen meinem Gebiss und hat mich dann auch ausgelacht .
das alles hat dazu geführt das ich starke Depressionen und Ängste entwickelt habe irgendwann hab ich es nicht mehr dort ausgehalten und bin einfach nicht mehr hingegangen weil ich Angst hatte und fast immer anfangen musste zu heulen weil er es so übertrieben hat .
jetzt mein Problem er hat die Behandlung abgebrochen und ich kann nichts machen außerdem bekommen meine Eltern das eingezahlte Geld wegen der selbst Beteiligung nicht mehr zurück . Mir geht es sehr schlecht und ich bin auch traurig darüber das meine Eltern so hart schuften mussten und nur wegen mir ihr Geld auch nicht mehr zurück bekommen wofür sie hart geschufftet haben .
ich weis nicht was ich machen soll ich bin am verzweifeln ich wäre extremst dankbar falls mir irgend jemand helfen könnte oder mir sagen könnte ob und wie ich das alles wieder hinbekommen würde .
ich bedanke mich jetzt schonmal für eure Zeit selbst wenn ihr meine Frage nur kurz gelesen habt ich bin über alles dankbar und froh auch wenn es mich nur einen klitze kleinen Funken weiterbringt .
Okay, so – both at my own KO at that time, so, 6 treatment chairs in the row, before all others first brush teeth, including saying about, yes, don’t look, so don’t!, to the KO of my daughter, who also had to throw us out because I was unable to go with her for a while as a mother.
I say he had to throw us out because he got problems with the health insurance.
Then you turn to the cashier, declare yourself, and get a second chance.
Stay somewhere else. The first one can’t accept you as a patient anymore.
So don’t be mistaken, your parents have to act, not you!
My daughter’s 19, and she’s getting her firm chips out soon. That could’ve been done by now if I had worked..🤷 ♀️
What I think about it: All liabilities have to be paid to the old KO, otherwise no new one will accept you. They are counting among themselves or about this “where all doctors are insured” 😅
Hello Anonymxyz,
Now we heard your story. It would be interesting to hear the other side.
The fact that a doctor is acting like this is not absolutely excluded, but very unlikely. Maybe some of the comments you made were different than they were meant. Maybe you tend to overreact. It’s supposed to have people who intentionally want to understand something wrong to get behind….
If it really was, the right contact would have been the health insurance. She finally pays for the treatment and knows all kinds of weird cases.
If the treatment has been cancelled and if you have missed several appointments, then it is completely normal, then you should also contact health insurance and describe your problem. However, the question of why you are not reporting is quite justified. And then there is the problem with the proof of your claims. There should also have been doctors who have shown former patients due to a bad excuse or insult. Do you have evidence or witnesses?
Perhaps a change of treatment would have been better in times;-)
Actually, it should be about correcting the mistakes.
Good luck!
You should have told your parents that they could talk to the doctor and the health insurance. Your parents have to call the sickness fund and explain everything. You can’t do anything except go on a regular basis during the next treatment and take a parent.
Did you mention the behavior? Either the doctor directly or your parents?
The fact that the Doc has stopped the treatment is completely legitimate. Patients should work. Great what can change is probably nothing more – but you can try to start a new treatment. This is then also associated with costs.
We don’t know what happened in detail. In any case, if a treatment is ongoing, the dates must be followed, otherwise the treatment cannot be carried out. A personal debate with the attending doctor would be good, so you could probably clean up a lot. His behavior seems to be questionable to me, at least after what I’ve read, from your point of view. I don’t know how his vision is.
The Docs don’t have it easy…
Promise that with your parents who also paid for this orthodontic treatment. The corresponding health insurance must also be informed and asked for advice.
You should talk to the dentist and not just stay away.
Exactly: Talking! 👍
You should have changed to another orthodontist, but you shouldn’t have stopped the treatment.
It’s too late now.
In your place, I’d be looking for a job and paying the parents back the money.
No the orthodontic has broken it off
Of course he did. You haven’t gone.
That’s not a pretentious decision from the doctor!
Not “he did it,” but “must” 👍
If that’s true, you should report to the guy with your parents.
How can I prove that?
This is probably hard to prove and the bill from the health insurance does not change anything.
The KK only counts that the treatment was terminated.
At least I would object and send the health insurance company a corresponding statement.
Bullshit – the pine-orthped can’t do more than he can. Such a treatment depends more on one’s own duty of participation than many others. Do you understand? Someday he won’t.
But above all, he must not insult patients and take over with racist sayings.
I don’t think so.
Unfortunately, many young people do not have this confidence at home.
“The doctor said!” – “But how?” – “No, your problem.”
I’d like to believe. But I’m always wondering that the young people don’t tell at home on the same day. My father probably would have washed the ears of a guy like that, that they would have bruised 20 years.
I’m standing behind you. What you like…
But at the orthodontic orthodontics, the client is now mostly young.
I’ll be 50 soon, had a brace with 13-17, and can tell you today as if it had been yesterday.
Little trauma? Neeein…