Kiefer Op Eigenanteil?

Guten Tag bei mir soll der Unterkiefer nach hinten versetzt werden. Der Chirurg sagte heute bei meinem Termin das die Krankenkasse das übernimmt, dass aber auch ein Eigenanteil von 800€ zu tragen ist. Davon habe ich aber noch nie etwas gelesen oder sonst irgendwas. Hat jemand Erfahrungen damit gemacht?

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1 year ago

It is best to explain with your health insurance how high your own share is and whether you have to pay anything if the intervention is required.

In any case, the doctor would have told you this earlier that a share of your own can be paid to you and you would also be told if you could pay it at all or agreed to a rate plan.

1 year ago

Then call again there, let the reasons for your own share in writing. Enter your health insurance and ask if that’s right. Basically, such an operation is free for you if indicated medically.

1 year ago


It may well be that a component of its own becomes due. But what’s the problem? Do you have a bite? There is usually only the convenient solution to move the lower jaw backwards, but not the best.