KI Studium- empfehlenswert?
Möchte jemand seine Erfahrungen teilen und etwas über das KI Studium berichten?
(Der Studiengang ist ja ziemlich neu)
Wie schwer war es? War es sehr Mathematicklastig? Hat man gute Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt? Wo könnte man später arbeiten? etc..?
You should learn how to research such questions yourself! How to question a AI!
Almost every industry needs automated decision-making by AI to remain competitive. Examples of applications Artificial intelligence are automated driving, smart home, facial recognition, music streaming, medical image processing and diagnostics, predictive maintenance, navigation, robotics or digital voice assistants. You can work everywhere here. As a graduate, you are able to analyze data, develop AI systems, conduct AI projects, advise executives and customers on these topics and conduct research in the field of AI. Given the ongoing major investments in AI by companies and government, there are many job opportunities for you, such as:
Potential employers for graduates:in this course of study come from all industries, especially from the software industry. However, it is also possible that you start your own startup after your studies.