Kgz Zulassungsstelle?
Ich hatte einen Vorstellungsgespräch beim landratsamt und nun hab ich ich einen Termin bekommen um mit die Zulassungsstelle anschauen zu können.
was soll ich an dem Tag für Fragen stellen damit ich interessiert rüber komme?
mir fällt nichts ein
You can also ask for training courses. Do they fall under the working hours? Who pays these? And how often do such courses take place?
One question can also be the workwear.
Which computer programs are used? How do you learn?
The question about your workplace (switch, large room office, single office?
Is there a canteen? Eating grant?
Driving allowance / garage or other parking?
The remaining questions will be answered by “Darmstadt53”.
Good luck
But make a list of your questions and memorize them so that you can apply them on a suitable occasion.
you’re interested in a job, but you don’t have any questions, but that doesn’t fit together.
but to help:
What are exactly the activities and processes, what climbing possibilities.
What do I earn / holidays, promotional opportunities . Working hours, home office possible. Are the questions that came to me after 30 seconds.