Kfz zulassung interessant?

Moin und frohe Weihnachten allerseits!

Habe eine interessante Frage:

Angenommen ich habe einen e46 316i und habe dazu einen e46 320i gekauft. Beide autos sind in meinem besitz. Der 316i hat aber einen Unfall und ist nicht fahrbereit und eine reperatur lohnt sich nicht, auto wurde abgemeldet. Was wenn ich die papiere vom 316i nehme zum amt gehe und damit meinen 320i anmelden wollen würde. Der einzige Unterschied ist die farbe aber man könnte ja sagen habe den wageb lackiert. Vom optischen sind die autos ja komplett identisch.

Das ist wirklich nur eine frage aus reinem interesse. Das ganze Vorgehen würde mir ja nichts bringen. Aber an sich müsste das doch klappen oder? Ich mein das einzoge was nicht identisvh ist, wäre die FIN.


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3 years ago

Your case is completely independent of whether the second vehicle looks similar or not. You could also register the BMW and screw the license plates to a golf. As long as no one compares the papers and the chassis number, this is not noticeable.

In the case of a general traffic control, this would immediately lead to the blindest police officer in a golf course, but in a similar vehicle you would have the chance to get through.

But if the policeman has any idea or thoroughly checked and checked the chassis number, it’ll be noticed. This would also be definitely noticeable during a workshop stay, an accident or the TÜV and then you would be there.

3 years ago

No, this is not possible, the vehicle is not defined by type and design, but by its chassis number.

What you have in mind is a document counterfeiting (car and license plates form a composite document), and on the other hand, you can drive a car without admission and without any insurance cover

3 years ago

Here, the legal basis for what awaits you:

§ 267 StGb Falsification of documents
Prison penalty up to five years or fine.

Definition: “Related document“:
A composite document is present when a embodied statement is connected spatially firmly and permanently to a unit of evidence with an eye certificate object to which its content of explanation relates.

§ 6 PflVG Driving without insurance
(1) Those who use a vehicle on public roads or places or are allowed to use it, although the liability insurance contract required pursuant to § 1 does not exist or no longer exists for the vehicle, shall be punished with imprisonment up to one year or with a fine.
(2) If the perpetrator is negligent, the penalty is imprisonment up to six months or fines up to one hundred and eighty-day sentences.
(3) If the act has been committed intentionally, the vehicle may be retracted if it belongs to the perpetrator or participant at the time of the decision.

180 daily rates are not without… and this applies only to negligence, you can assume that intent is punished at least evenly.

Against all this, driving without admission is only a small thing that only costs you peanuts and brings a point

3 years ago

You forgot one thing, tax evasion. He would register a 316i with less space than the 320i used, and therefore pay a lower KFZ tax than he would have.

3 years ago

wow! I wouldn’t have suspected a fake. Then what is Tachomanipulation, isn’t that a fake?

3 years ago

Fraud arises when you sell the vehicle with indication of the wrong Km stand or your insurance is deceived. But one of these intents must be subordinated.
Even manipulating for own purposes is a violation of https://dejure.org/gesetze/StVG/22b.html and is threatened with imprisonment.

3 years ago

No, that’s fraud.

3 years ago

I may be leaning out of the window with the statement but I mean that it is quite common that the e36 and e46 from the 320i have a 6zyl. You see that difference right away. The question is who looks under the hood. The Tüv would have to notice this directly.
The question is what are you doing with FIN and what brings you the risk of getting caught? A 320 instead of the 316 will not eat you the last shirt.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jerry3367

First of all, the 320 long time was cheaper in insurance than the 316s

3 years ago
Reply to  DerBayer80

Apart from the bit of taxes more, you are likely to pay a quite identical price in terms of insurance. This whole back and forth would not be worth me in life. I would also not have a logical reason to make sense

3 years ago

Ups. I thought you were the TE😅 therefore my last answer. Let’s ignore them!

3 years ago

And what does it mean to send and register the 320 in the super state by HU? You risk punishments that are unnecessary. Your 320 has more capacity and therefore costs more taxes than 316i. You’d probably get an ad for tax evasion. Is it the value?

3 years ago

I would also not have a logical reason to make sense

the 316 has villeicht still TÜV and the 320 no longer?????? Or the 320 is first hand, and this state is to be maintained???

3 years ago

This is up to the first TÜV at the latest. The chassis number is not identical. All in all, it would be abuse of license plates, driving with an unauthorized vehicle, driving without insurance.

3 years ago
Reply to  DerBayer80

Almost right…
But license plate abuse (§22 StVG, prison up to one year or fine) is not present here, that would be the case if a license plate of an unauthorized vehicle e.g. would be painted with a stamp so that it could seem that it would be a sealed official license plate.

The misuse of a sealed license plate issued for another vehicle is document counterfeiting (267 StGB, prison up to 5 years or fine), because car and official licenses form a composite document.

3 years ago

Label misuse §22 StVG:

Who in illegal intention

1. a motor vehicle or a motor vehicle trailer for which an official identifier has not been issued or approved shall be provided with a character; which is capable of producing the appearance of official labelling,

3 years ago

It’s bullshit because you’re backing up your 316.

3 years ago
Reply to  xxceedayxx

This is, on the one hand, a document counterfeiting (car and license plates together form a composite document), and on the other hand, you are going to drive a car without admission and without any insurance cover

3 years ago
Reply to  xxceedayxx

Then you will see a vehicle that is neither registered nor insured.