Kfz Lehrabschlusprüfung?
Hallo 🙂
Wir haben einen Zettel mit Fragen bekommen die kommen könnten und da ist die Frage :
“Was ist Motorleistung, Was ist Motordrehmoment, Welche zusammenhänge gibt es zwischen Motorleistung/drehmoment und Hubverhältnis”.
Kann mir jemand Helfen bitte.
What you learned at school is very helpful. The answer is also in your technical books. What you’re doing in the way of yourself is what remains in the mind.
We are not here with homework help
Thanks have to say that the answer is very helpful. Hope you will also get such an answer 🙂
I’m big. I have completed my teaching on the kfz mechanic at a time when you had no internet
Exactly. This is very often a fun part exchange
Well, that’s a shame, too.
that the MEISTEN mechatronics nowadays unfortunately can no longer search for errors, but only read out the diagnosis and exchange parts. .
Okey thank you
That’s it.
That’s true that you can say a short-stroke has more power but less torque. The Langhuber has more torque but less power🤔