Kfz Brief bei Finanzierung umschreiben?

Hallo, Meine Tochter hat mit Freund Auto auf Finanzierung gekauft. Kredit läuft noch. Sie Bezahlt den Kredit und er bürge. Trennung jetzt. Er steht im KFZ Brief. Kann der Brief auf sie umgeschrieben werden weil sie bezahlt und fährt das auto.

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3 years ago

You have to separate it.

The car belongs to the one who bought it and is the owner in the papers.

The credit belongs to that which is borrower and/or guarantor.

If the loan is paid, the car still belongs to the buyer. The ex has to properly log it off with all papers and it has to log it back to its name with the same papers. An official contract would be good.

There is no link between bank and road traffic control.

If the ex doesn’t, he has a car that paid an ex. She could sue it… she should settle the fastest or stop the payments.

3 years ago
Reply to  Realisti

You really have to cut something. Anyone who is registered as a holder in the vehicle papers has nothing to do with the owner’s position.

3 years ago
Reply to  jungsfragen34

Ownership and property is two things. In addition, the question arises: “Who is the owner of the purchase?

3 years ago

The property is transferred in Germany not through purchase agreements, but by handover and transfer. It also depends on how the financing is regulated, so whether there was a guarantee agreement, an effective retention of ownership or the like

3 years ago

I think no, because this also changes the value of the vehicle negatively. You can really answer that only the bank.

3 years ago
Reply to  Flausen

Why should the value of the car change?

3 years ago
Reply to  HoskevonBerg

Because the vehicle had two previous owners and can no longer be sold from 1.Hd.

3 years ago

The question is who has become (or should be) owner and what specific security agreement with the lender exists. I assume that nothing is happening without the consent of the friend and the lender.

3 years ago

Of course, if holders and lenders play along.

What SF class does she have for insurance?

3 years ago

If the friend agrees to this, the vehicle can be re-registered – simply rewrite the letter does not go.

3 years ago
Reply to  wilees

… because otherwise every thief could simply allow a car on himself – at any time. 😉

3 years ago
Reply to  wilees

Not only the friend has to agree, but first and foremost the lender bank, especially since the credit will have been marginal anyway.

3 years ago
Reply to  Flausen

The approval of the bank is rather not necessary or difficult to obtain in real terms – as it is intended to rewrite the vehicle to the borrower. Just why should the friend agree – but continue to be a burden?

3 years ago

The approval is very necessary. If the letter is requested by the bank and sent back with a second holding entry, it may be very uncomfortable for the borrower.
Immediate maturity of the balance should be very likely in the case.

3 years ago

Does he agree? Then you can

3 years ago
Reply to  Idris164

It is much more interesting how the lender stands for it.

3 years ago

If he agrees, yes

3 years ago
Reply to  wikinger66

… and the bank!

3 years ago
Reply to  Flausen

Yes, of course, because there are the documents