Kettenführung für shimano deore m5100?
Ich suche nach einer Kettenführung welcher auf die Shimano Deore m5100 passt aber finde irgendwie nichts.
Ich suche nach einer Kettenführung welcher auf die Shimano Deore m5100 passt aber finde irgendwie nichts.
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A chain guide is not used in conjunction with a thrower.
I don’t mean the circuit, m5100 is a series of everything that has to do with drive
Um… The purpose of the circuit is to change the transmission ratio of the drive. That is, circuit = drive!
However, a chain guide is independent of this.
The chain guide still has nothing to do with the chainring.
Maximum size plays a role, but most chain guides can be set.
So it just needs to fit your frame. And this is usually done either by ISCG05 recording, or it is mounted between crank and frame.
I drive the latter myself to my conductor.
m5100 is a complete group name. To also the crank belongs. By the way, brakes.
The chain guide has nothing to do with the crank, so you don’t need to look extra after a chain guide compatible with a specific crank.
You will see what a chain guide you want (up, or up and down, with/without bashguart), which can be mounted on your frame (ISCG recording, throw-over…) and that it will look with the size of your chainring.
Oh, man, m5100 is not only circuit but also the crankset, and I am looking for a chain guide that fits with the shimano deore m5100 Crankset
Yes but the chain guide must fit with the crankset