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1 year ago

Leave it.

Since ketamine is usually consumed as a crystalline powder with an unclear active substance content, there is also always the risk of overdose. A high dose can lead not only to a “K-Hole”, but also to muscle shocks and cramps, speech disorders and paralysis, and unconsciousness.

Supplement: Not only that. Intoxicants can also get you out of your subconscious, you still unconscious and your shadow GRAUSAMES that you land in the psychiatry.

Intoxicant is what natural peoples who have learned everything from/to the mind, from childhood and want to transcend and integrate all the underwater from the iceberg in the midst of life in order to realize the almighty, clarity and all one being.

With us, materialism, consumption, technology, NOT MAL Ghost ERKLÄRT.

Leave the fingers of noise. It could end very cruel.

Go your way of life until the wisdom, clarity, comes to you. (I got it without knowing it without wanting to.)

Your path is Satan’s path. Don’t do anything if you’re not ready.

Get ready for SELBER without wanting.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

As long as you turn to strangers from the Internet in this form, you should leave it better.

If at all, you should take drugs only if you are willing and able to understand what effects and side effects these can have and what risks you take with consumption. This is a personal decision that comes with personal consequences. It’s about Drug mouth.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

1 year ago

actually you should leave it, but,