Kernfusion – eine Lösung für den Energiebedarf der Zukunft?
Wie lange lese ich schon davon? Seit 50 Jahren….mal abgesehen von technischen Hürden bis zur Verfügbarkeit – wird es realisiert? Wirtschaftlich und effizient?
Also ich habe den Wellenabstand und die Riemenscheiben aber weiter komme ich leider nicht. Kann mir vielleicht jemand helfen?
Hey , Ich habe in Physik eine Aufgabe Frage steht oben warum ist das verboten? Mein Thema ist Druck auf fest Stoffe Bitte um Antwort
Hey Leute, da unser Lehrer nicht da ist, haben wir Aufgaben bekommen und ich suche die Antwort zu Aufgabe 1.5, weil ich die Antwort nicht weiß. könnte mir einer von euch bitte dabei helfen?
Hallo, ich habe eine Frage zu dem Bild. A startet erst bei 2 Sekunden und B bei 0. Heißt das, dass B praktisch startet wenn es losgeht und A 2 Sekunden später oder versteh ich das falsch?
Laut dem Schalenmodell sitzen die Protonen und Neutronen im Atomkern auf Schalen. Kerne sind besonders stabil, wenn alle Protonenschalen oder Neutronenschalen entweder vollständig gefüllt oder leer sind. Welche Kerneigenschaften sind es, die sie stabil machen?
Yeah, that could be a solution.
However, as long as the development and production of combustor motors and cars can still earn a lot of money, as long as the policy still hinders the development of electric vehicles (a lot of charging possibilities), as long as there are no money and people who are dealing with nuclear fusion.
When this changes, inventions are also made that lead the cause.
The cosmos breathes, he breathes out, passed 10,000 years.
The man? A lash and 3 generations are dust and ashes.
Good thing wants a while. 100 years ago, we still had oxen,
and now cannot go fast enough.
Fusion is definitely a future technology.
We’ll be there soon.
The “always” will take a few more centuries realistically.
Realistically, we have only been using appropriate computers for the job for 20 years, and now we already have reactors in which we can actually generate fusion, although only briefly. In the last 20 years, we have had such a lot of technology progression that the entire twentieth century appears laughably eventless.
I say Fusion runs in 20 years, can come back to me when it’s ready.
Consent to the basic principle.
However, I am very sure that even in 20 years it will be easy to find people who believe that nuclear fusion would work in another 10 years.
In any case, I would not invest my money today in shares of a company whose business model is the core issue.
I personally don’t believe it anymore.
The best and most economically effective solution is the use of alternative energy (wind and sun) combined with storage of excess energy in hydrogen and e-gas.
That would be possible.
Yes in about 30 years….and over these 30 years, which it will last, nothing has changed for 70 years.
Perhaps a partial solution for some of the richest industrial countries.
For the rest of humanity: Too expensive, too central, too elite.
you mean new?
If they’re so stupid, if they’re smarter no
If the idea of smaller atomic power models which could possibly still be usable and also be cheaper, but are not yet ready for construction in terms of research
for this the commissioning that is not even going on a switch-off time just does not go off from power plants because of the fuel rods this has to be shut down slowly.
Main knowledge share added from maithink x to zdf
He’s not talking about nuclear fusion.
This is a small difference
ups my mistake XD
Nuclear fusion was even more sensitive than nuclear fission?
ah okay. I have to deal with it again. I’m out.
Actually a safe and quite clean thing with still weeeeiiit away from the market mature
It’s hard to judge. Many people believe in it, but at the moment it is still about decades to a serious commitment.
Of course, but not in Germany, they are not so important for progress.
In Germany, is one of the largest nuclear fusion research plants in the world?
That’s terrible – we want to live in a lummer country…