Does anyone know anything about ataxia in cats?
I have taken in three cat siblings with ataxia.
(they had cat flu) that was the trigger
They have already been given Baytril twice, which is actually too strong for kittens, and they already had a fungus.
Two of them have an eye infection.
In little Hermine's case the first vet wanted to remove the eye or grind something down, the second opinion, a very empathetic vet said he would do a cortisone treatment and cut something free when he sterilized her and that he could save the eye 90 percent of the time. She has moderate ataxia on her hind legs and is actually getting along well, but needs to be cleaned every now and then after going to the toilet because she sometimes falls over.
Little Amy had it best, her eyes were both clear and there were no tears now and then she wobbled a little but apart from that you could say she had recovered really well.
But Stephen is really a little worrywart. He has very pronounced ataxia at the back, he can hardly take coordinated steps and at the front he often crosses his arms and practically gets in his own way. Despite physiotherapy and attempts to offer him a wheelchair to make things easier and the edge protection all over the room, he only wants to go where it is absolutely necessary. He has had problems urinating for the last two days. We had the vet look at him and get him vaccinated and he said it could be a bladder infection (they are 15 weeks old) and he said he wanted to keep an eye on it and that he didn't want to give him antibiotics four times straight away. He has a reduced appetite and I don't know if there is anything more I can do for him. This illness is completely new to me. He looks happy when he cuddles and purrs, but he also often looks for peace and quiet. I haven't found a specialist for this area yet. The vet also said it could be that he isn't able to empty his bladder completely.
What kind of tests, help, or medication can I ask for? I got something with magnesium from the first vet, and I'm worried that it could be urinary gravel and that it's the magnesium. The little ones have been living with us for a week and a half now and for the first time they don't have diarrhea, but Stephen has a hint of blood in his urine. I'm really worried about him. The report from the animal shelter said he could die suddenly, and the vet was at our house so he's not under too much stress, but I feel like I'm no further ahead. Today he peed in his bed for the first time and stayed lying there.
I also have three other cats. I've now divided the apartment in half and had the older ones vaccinated because of the cat flu that the animal shelter didn't tell me about. Can they ever be kept together, or is that a big risk for the others? (I've been told they don't have anything contagious.) I have a separate room for each cat to disinfect and separate clothes for caring for the little ones until I can decide.
Thank you in advance 🙂
Why do you exaggerate with your text?
can you change your thought text now so by asking objectively so that you can look through??
the magnesium can give urinary crystals and if you give too much, it would be recommended to make a bloodtest at the kater stephan on magnesium concentration in the blood, but if you pump it with it, I would not be surprised if the kater stephan can not let water, then you have to give antibiotics or check on urin crystals by removing or collecting urine sample
you use the word cats too much to give you a suggestion if you can do the cats together, I would just do it because I can treat it, I would rather not recommend it with you, because if what is needed it again antibiotics,
in the summing case, it would be better if you had put pictures with names of your cats, and the problems, then it would be more clear,
baytril is really dangerous reserve antibiotics and is usually used by older veterinarians,
what you can do with neurological ataxy problems, no warning, there is no healing
Magnesium is good at ataxie if it is a lack, but if it is overdosed, something like stephan can happen, but you will only know with the sample whether it is bacterial or grain crystals
also does not help vaccination in existing cat-snaps…
The veterinarian suspected it was moist FIP .
Stephen died.
Do you think his two siblings have the pathogen?
Having tested in one of the big blood they are all disease-free, but the vet says stress like blood loss could lead to a FIP outbreak when they have that.
I haven’t heard yet, 5% – 10% develop with the mentioned coronaviruses, ka why he didn’t want to lose blood, deserves it,
So make blood tests with the little ones?
and if they have FIP pathogens kept separate forever?