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8 months ago

You can write to me on Insta or Tellonym (all Jyzi Okami) for better communication, then I get it too.
I am the contact person for problems, bugs etc. and also have contact with the team directly.

Otherwise, it almost sounds like you have a timeout or it’s a mistake in the system. but I need more information about your Acoount.
As far as your second point is concerned, you have when you’re in the inbox symbol above. There are all your messages listed that you sent to ANDERE. You can check it out if they arrived. For further problems, please report or I can also send you the Discord Serverlink

MFG: Okami

8 months ago

So because of the consequences… that I would write on the support.

And because of the answers, it often takes longer. Do not use that much of this app anymore.

Vllt some have also stopped that nobody can follow

8 months ago

Does jmd know about Tellonym?

The support, the administration and programmer of Tellonym

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