Kennt sich jemand mit Zug Verbindungen aus und kann mir weiter helfen?
Also ich müsste von Wulfen hbf zur dieser Straße „Hertener Str.21 45657 Recklinghausen.
ich muss ehrlich sagen ich kenn Mich da leider nicht aus wäre nett wenn mir jmnd sagen kann wie genau ich mit dem Zug dann fahren muss und wie oft ich umsteigen muss.😅
Open Google Maps and find the starting point. Right-click and select “Startpoint” in the context menu. Then mark the destination point in a corresponding way and let you see the path option “public transportation”. You will then see all possible connections. Book the route section of the train and make sure that the destination “* urban area” or comparable is specified. If so, you can also use the ticket in buses. Otherwise you buy a ticket on the bus to the destination stop.
If start and finish are in the same connection, kaofe will be the ticket for the entire way at composite sales outlets.
Download DB Navigator app
You use either
or the DB Navigator
from to
Date and time
search you find
and yes this is a bus. Can also be a train connection, which depends on time.
Then you need the VRR page and look for the address from Recklinghausen page/
Then comes an eternal long link with the result
You can enlarge the map.
and you can also search from home address to home address on the map.
You’re going to go to Recklinghausen to the cattle gate at the first and pay for it by the driver.
For this, there is a road map or the VRR app.
Put the vrs app down, there are all bus, train connections and so on
There are two wolves in Germany. Anhalt or Westphalia?
So if you’d drive tomorrow at 10:
10:10 Bus SB26 towards Marl Mitte from stop “Wulfen Mitte, Dorsten”
10:38 a.m. Arrival at the stop “Marl Mitte”, there transfer to the bus SB25 towards Recklinghausen Hbf
At about 11:00 a.m. Arrival at the “Lohtor” stop in Recklinghausen. Exit there and then there are almost 800m walk
The best way to download the “DB Navigator” app and type Start and Target exactly where you want to address it. The app will take you there
Very welcome
Great thanks for your help!!!💕
That’s right. There is also a connection with a RE 14 and a bus, but that would take longer
i.e. I don’t have to take a train but can just take two kisses, right?
Thank you very much! Did you really help me?
Get the web app down or go to the web page
Db web online.