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2 years ago

In general, osteoarthritis makes very dependent on the shape of the day. Depending on the location of the horse, it should not be expected that it is in position, bending and even through the neck. Depending on the condition/day form at the long train to the terrain. Carefully work on good days after a generous warm-up phase, as much as the horse offers, with particular emphasis being placed on the fact that it does not “tilt” in the direction of wrong bend or something.

2 years ago

6./7. Circular. The typical problem of horses that had to run with ties. So the majority of all horses. Most owners don’t realize that. Does the horse currently have any restrictions?

2 years ago
Reply to  Paulanach

Healthy running teach. At no rate to ride under foamed, but also not without leaning to find the correct stretching. The horse train to such an extent that it also runs healthy in its spare time in the long term – usually make them instinctive until the person intervenes with his training. There’s a lot lost.

Don’t cover! The fur can not change between cold and warm, a ceiling. The number of advantages of a ceiling is limited to 1: dirt is not so easy. That’s it.

As far as feed is concerned, so many factors must be taken into account. I have a veterinarian who specializes in manual therapies and feeding, and even who keeps up with colleagues. What helps one horse is another fatal.