Kennt noch jemand die szene von denn Prank Bros Game master?
Hallo Leute ich weiß damals dass ich mich daran als Kind noch erinnern kann das es mal damals ein Video von denn Prank Bros gab wo sie denn Game master verfolgt haben und dann der Game master plötzlich auf einer Brücke stehen blieb und die Kamera anguckte und das es plötzlich Nacht geworden ist und er verschwand kennt jemand noch das Video wo das vorkamm weil hatte damals Angst das wenn ich raus gehe das es plötzlich dunkel wird aber ich weiß heute das dies nicht passieren wird währe echt Cool wenn jemand das noch kennt
Know as All GameMaster Video
Do you think this video?
Digga this is the video…
Searched for the years
Found in 5 seconds xD
As I said, almost every video knows
Yes I know, but I know people change and he sees it too
Monte used to have been a huge asshole, he shouldn’t say about the past of others
Hm Naja Okay Unge tells me not he is really a brat Kek But Monte is me Zb Very sympathetic Naja but everyone his own opinion
Monte and Unge should be calm, both of them are better
Yes diggi but what I find a bit bad is that you call them Youtuber and Zb Monte and so the people just think he’s the same but well they’re okay
The two are just sympathetic
Yes, you are right
Yeah, but it doesn’t, it’s entertainment. Who ned checks that the fake is, is lost
Well, if they weren’t all fakes
Yes, Prankbros best
Watch degree the video of Charlie Charlie where Kelvin disappeared at once
I know
Yes exactly
Yeah, the one with Charlie Charlie and that?
Thank you for a question yet do you know the cemetery videos of them?
You too
Have a nice day:D
No problem
Oh, okay, I really think I’m saying that jz finally thank you really
Faith so since 2016 or 2017
Okay, can I ask how long you’ve been looking at the prankbros?
Wow thank you I’ve been looking for this on YouTube but didn’t know what video that was but that’s the video thanks you