Kennt noch jemand Darkwing Duck?
Erinnert sich noch jemand an diese großartige 90er-Jahre-Zeichentrickserie über den “Schrecken, der die Nacht durchflattert”?
Und wie fandet ihr diese großartige Serie? Großartig? 😂
Und wenn ja, wer war eure Lieblingsfigur?
PS: Die Serie gibt’s aktuell bei Disney+ und für zusätzliches Geld auch bei Amazon Prime
Oh, yes, I loved her!
I’m actually looking at Disney +, alternating with Captain Balu and his daring crew. produkt
Thanks for the star 🙂
Good night out there whatever you like.
You can’t forget it, because a bird like this is flying right away
Niceee 2 1 Risk 😂😂
“Great gas, bad guy.”
“I’m the mold on your bread.”
I still use some of the sayings today.
I’m the parking clock that runs while you’re shopping…
I’m the woodworm that eats your parquet… 😂
Zwo… One….risk!
Fully cool👍
Also the English lyrics were not bad,
Zwo One Risk
Let’s get Dangerous
He couldn’t do anything… I find Megavolt good…..
A little more respect, please! 😂
We are talking here about the worded master of crime control, the guard of St. Erpelsburg, the champion of darkness, the horror of all the villains…
And I like Megavolt too, but especially Quackerjack and of course Fiesoduck…
Zwo-one risk!