Kennt jmd dieses Lied von Tfa?
Ich schau grade wieder Tfa und in der zweiten Folge als Nils Cem und Costa am Spielplatz sind und Cem Ching anschaut spielt da so ein Song der geht ungefähr so: baby don’t you know that i missed you so bad you the one i wanted. Weiß jmd wie das Lied heißt? Ich finde das Lied nirgendwo
Ronn L Chick, Dennis Winslow & Robert J Walsh – Holla Back ♫
no that is not yet thanks, the song is more so hiphop/Rnb moderate 🙈
do you have reliable text passages parrat or really nor as approximate as above?
Ohso sorry I didn’t mean the series but still good to know
Haha no topic (: Sternchen is basically called the most helpful answer, you can’t do it directly anyway, believe a day later or so it’s only possible;)
I CANKEEE DIR, as soon as I have used 2 hours for search
I just signed up here, just say briefly how to give a star then I will do it naturally
So now I hope I’ve earned a star, right? ;P
So I can tell you what minute the song will be played. Turkish for beginners the series Staffel 1 episode 2 minute 4:20 about 4:50.