Kennt jemand einen Psychotherapeuten in Leipzig?
Undzwar ist das so das ich Transgender bin und zurzeit einen Psychotherapeuten suche damit ich die Geschlechts angleichenden Operationen bekommen kann. Nur fällt es mir etwas schwer jemanden zu finden der sowas macht. Kennt ihr vielleicht jemanden? Schon einmal danke für die Hilfe!
You may already know this place, which could probably help:
I know, but I’m afraid I haven’t answered:(
They probably have many cranes at present
e-mail to the Prof,
But since you are already a step too far
Ah, I saw that, but not who exactly I could or could turn to. who would be the contact person
There’s a network at the university clinic, but more medically.
Psychotherapists Search via due health insurance?
Yes I already wanted to read as long as someone else might know someone or something