Kennt jemand einen Access Point, welcher einen LAN Ein und Ausgang hat?

Folgendes Problem: WLAN Router ist im Keller, ich wohne im dritten Stock, wo nur ein LAN Kabel hochgelegt ist, welches mit dem Router im Keller verbunden ist. Nun brauche ich in meiner Wohnung einmal WLAN und einmal LAN für meinen PC. Normale Access Points die ich bis jetzt gefunden hab, haben immer nur einen LAN Eingang, welcher aus LAN dann WLAN macht. Ich möchte aber, dass mein LAN Kabel in ein Gerät reingeht, welches WLAN aussendet und gleichzeitig einen LAN Ausgang hat, wo ich wieder meinen PC anschließen kann. Würde mich sehr über eure Hilfe freuen.

Gesehen habe ich auch LAN Splitter aber da schreiben viele, dass das einfach nicht funktioniert. Dann könnte ich einfach aus meinem LAN Kabel zwei machen und an eins Access Point und an das andere den PC aber in den Amazon Bewertungen sagen so viele, dass das nicht funktioniert.

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8 months ago

You can simply connect any (also used) FritzBox (e.g. 7490) to the LAN cable (top on the third floor).

Because a FritzBox as IP client configured, offers a second fully-fledged WLAN access point and up to 4 other fully-fledged LAN ports.

How to set it with a FritzBox: with other routers/

— postage (mesh system due?) —-

If there is a FritzBox in the basement, you can set up the second FritzBox on the 3rd floor as a mesh repeater. Then you have seamless WiFi with a Wi-Fi name throughout the house and the up to 4 LAN ports are still fully usable on the 3rd floor. So it becomes a mesh system from it:


Did you know? In LAN ports there is no distinction between input and output, all that is plugged in is connected to one another.

Good luck!

8 months ago

Does anyone know an access point that has a LAN input and output?

Yes, for example the Unifi AC Pro. The succession models will certainly have maintained this.

Better, however, not to make the whole thing dependent on the AP

I also saw LAN Splitter but there many people write that it just doesn’t work.

You’re not looking for a LAN splitter, but a so-called switch. And that works.

You should just make sure what speed is supported – everything under Gigabit ports is no longer modern

8 months ago


You first need a “Ethernet switch“.

So a “distributor” to which several devices are connected via LAN and which regulates the data flow between the devices.

The devices connected thereto can then all communicate with one another.

The control center is and remains your router (in the basement).

And then there is “Mesh repeater“with which you can build a WLan network. You then hook this to the hub by Lan cable.

And technically, with other mesh repeaters, a larger and more stable WLan network can be built, in which you can then move freely.

I recommend an 8-port switch as a starting base, even if a 4-port switch seems to be sufficient here.

Because in this above-mentioned configuration, 3 Lan ports are already occupied (Router, PC, Repeater).

And that’s how you got some spares.



8 months ago

I also saw LAN Splitter but there many people write that this is not working

For such a thing you don’t use a “splitter”, but a 15€ network switch:

TP-Link TL-SG105 5-Ports Gigabit Network Switch

5 ports – 1 uplink port = 4 usable Ethernet ports

This allows you to connect an access point as well as your PC and other consoles / devices (cases available).

8 months ago
Reply to  DieFreistunde

The switch works great, has the same in the same bet.

8 months ago

The simplest corner would be you would go from the basement into a switch and from there via cable into your PC and a separate access point.

Possible alternatives (but I don’t know if this is happening) would be from AVM the FritzRepeater 3000AX or 6000.

8 months ago

You could also use an unmanaged switch.

From there, a cable goes into the access point and another into the PC. I have the same.

8 months ago

You will probably have to put a second cable up from the main router and then simply have to connect an Access Point or Repeater there if you want Wi-Fi next to your LAN connection on top.

8 months ago