Kennt jemand eine gute polaroid Kamera wie die instax Mini evo die größere Bilder drucken kann (Square Film)?

wenn Es so etwas nicht geben sollte, habt ihr andere Empfehlungen für Kameras mit diesem Bildformat?

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8 months ago

An instax is just as little a polaroid as an iPhone is a Samsung. These are both different brands.

You get bigger pictures with an Instax Wide.

WIDE 400 – INSTAX by Fujifilm (Germany) (

8 months ago


do you want to photograph or print?

The Instax Mini Evo is not a “good” camera you can view the Leica Instant II base as “sufficient”. After all, the look is made of glass instead of plastic

Immediate image printers with integrieter smartphone camera can be bought for 20 years and are/are always away from Japan/Asia shopkeepers because one combines the disadvantages of the systems. There are still applications where you need such a camera and you can do it “Narrensafe” or MTA

So if you want to photograph medium format, I guess Fuji GFX50R with 35-70 Kit Zoom and a Portable Photo Printer zb a Canon Selphy or Instax Wide Printer

If you just want to “rumknipsen” I guess to the existing smart bean and a portable photo printer zb a Canon Selphy or Instax Wide printer

If you want to photograph instant image, I guess Instant con RF70

The topic Canon Selphy or Instax Wide Printer should be considered more precisely both systems have advantages and disadvantages and Selphy is less robust and produces more waste.