Kennt jemand ein guten Grafik/Ganming Monitor in 4k?
Seit Tagen suche ich jetzt schon und ich finde einfach nichts. Ich suche eine Kombination aus Grafik und Gaming Monitor wobei das Gaming eher im Hintergrund steht. 4k ist ein muss, kein wqhd, er sollte Werte im srgb und Adobe rgb von ca 100 haben also keine unter oder Übersättigung, freesync sollte er besitzen. Preislich ca bei 350 € ideal wären 75hz aber 60hz sind auch in Ordnung. Für jeden Vorschlag wäre ich echt dankbar 🙏🏼 wenn ihr noch andere Werte kennt die eine Rolle spielen würde mir das auch helfen.
Falls mir jemand ein ideales Modell vorschlägt wäre ich bereit einen kleinen Betrag zu überweisen.
4k and 360€ is hard, just search for 4K monitors at Geizhals or Idealo
I’ve been sorry for the search for days. In case of doubt, the Dell S2721QSA will but I would like to spend more
If there’s nothing to find on the platforms, it’s really hard. Would recommend you to do without 4K, but to put on other things
Thanks for your trouble, the first has unfortunately only gsync with the 60hz version. I think it’s just the one of dell but really thanks for the alternative 🙏🏼
Found here:
284€ 4ms, 75hz and 4k:
226€ 4ms, 60hz and 4k:×2160-IPS-HDR10/3284302?utm_source=idealo&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pricesite
However, it would like to spend 100€ more for 75hz or have some alternatives. Better once more expensive than regretting it
Yeah, I get it anyway, better is 4k already, but the price is hard. This one you’ve written from Dell is good
The thing is 4K you can better scale down to 1080p if a game doesn’t run into 4K. I can’t do that at wqd. And if I have to decide between Full hd and 4K, it’s just enough.
have a 4k 60hz ‘Gaming’ screen from Asus. Don’t find it on the Internet.
I am more than satisfied with the screen and the 60hz have never really made themselves noticeable. Super resolution and super quality for a reasonable price. Very recommended
The budget probably does not match the requirements. I don’t know a monitor in the price class that would match your wishes.
Dell S2721QSA
Looks okay if you’re satisfied with 60hz. But that wouldn’t be a gaming monitor for me, even if it’s more of a secondary level.
Probably something for reconciliation. A more detailed color fidelity image is more important than more intense colors and liquid.
So I couldn’t “pick” on a 60hz phone. But in normal use sind that the 120hz for me no longer to think away.
when I look on my 60hz mobile phone zocke (cod,Wildrift,rennspiele) it looks completely liquid and often you have to do with 144hz often smashes in the image representation, as it is then a gaming monitor and which are often oversaturated.