Kennt jemand dieses Gefühl..?
…man liegt Abends im Bett und hört noch Musik… Und man kann nicht einschlafen, weil man denkt und denkt über irgendwelche Dinge, obwohl man extrem müde ist…ob mit oder ohne Musik ist egal.. es klappt nicht.
wenn man irgendwann weinen muss, weil so vieles so scheiße ist … Und man darüber nachdenkt sich im Moment aufzuschlitzen oder von einer Brücke zu springen…man sich so unendlich scheiße fühlt aber nicht so genau weiß wieso… Augen brennen und man will einfach nur einschlafen aber man kann nicht ….
man will zur klinge greifen, aber will es nicht und versucht der sucht zu wiederstehen…
bis man letztendlich einschläft, 2/3h später als man sich hingelegt hat…
ich wollte nur so fragen ob das jemand kennt, denn es ist einfach jeden Abend das gleiche und ich kann einfach nicht mehr. Ich hab insgesamt 5 Stunden Schlaf und es ist einfach zu wenig.. was kann man gegen sowas tun. Hat jemand Erfahrungen?
every night is so because I have only experienced one-sided love so far 🙂 and has been disappointed again 🙂
I’m very sorry.
well.. I don’t remember it anymore, i mean goes 3 years so and I’m already completely at the end
All right. Haha
Why are you playing it down? A broken heart is terrible. How can you help? You want to talk?
15, I’m fine, I only have a broken heart that has never been properly cured but otherwise everything is good:))
I’m sorry if I sounded degrading. My understanding of love is different and I therefore often share with others. I don’t want to play any feelings.
We’re old and how are you?
Okay if you mean. if you only know how people are at my age….
I basically do not understand how people can fall in love several times. It’s unique to me. And I’ve been waiting for my love for five years, and I didn’t feel bad about it for a second. I think that only love can be. If everything is good.
Maybe I’m just hopelessly romantic. Haha.
so you understand
Oh, yeah. One time and I still love.
I guess I’m older than you.
have you ever loved?
How old are you?
I don’t know why.
aha love never hurts or what?
Three years have always been? Idk.
If it hurts, it can’t be love. Love is good.
and especially when it’s always like
No, one-sided is painful as what else
3 years are not really much if it is really love. I mean, love is always beautiful. Even one-sided.
I also have sleeping problems and sometimes suicidal thoughts at night, but now my mental condition is better. I was scratching myself, but it wasn’t a search. I think psychological help can help you the most, had no bock on it at first, but the police have pushed me to the psychiatrist. Finally helped me.
Uff Police :’/
Unfortunately, I can’t give you any tips, but I assure you that you’re not alone with it. Maybe this will help at least. I’ve been doing the same for months. Only that I can rarely withstand the desire of the SV.
Wish you a lot of power
I got it every day. wake up every hour at night. Then sv and it stops, and I can sleep… I tried to stop it a few days ago, then I felt more fucking on the day after.
Jo, I know.. And that screams for therapy.
Neee. I don’t know. I have no thoughts. Haha.