Does anyone know this warm light on the car?

Hello, this light just came on in my Dacia Duster. Unfortunately, I can't find what kind of light it is. Does anyone know what it is?

I wanted to wait until tomorrow morning and check the oil etc., but if anyone could give me a tip I would be very grateful.

The lamp looks similar to the check engine light, but it is red and has STOP written in the middle.

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3 years ago

That’s the engine control light. If then stop and red, the engine has the greatest need. So call ADAC and get tow

3 years ago
Reply to  DerBayer80

And the answer is even more rhyme;)

3 years ago

Hello Angela1601

This is the engine control lamp. You should read the error as quickly as possible in the workshop before a greater damage occurs

Greetings HobbyTfz

3 years ago

Engine control lamp. This applies to any fault in the engine control unit or exhaust system. You have to read the error code to say more precisely.

But there is still a second red lamp, you can’t see it exactly in the picture, probably braking. A case for the workshop.

3 years ago
Reply to  spelman

The lamp on the left looks like the hand brake 😅