Kennt jemand den passenden dB-Killer für Arrow Thunder Slip-On?
Ich suche den passenden dB-Killer/dB-Eater für meinen Slip- On Endschalldämpfer Arrow Thunder Black Line (52509AKN). Doch leider finde ich nirgendwo im Netz den richtigen…kann mir da jemand weiterhelfen? Er müsste ca. 40mm im Durchmesser haben.
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
The “right” DB-Killer should be permanently mounted in the approved silencer. DA it is not possible to disassemble without further delay, there is probably not one.
Non-degradable, but welded dB-acids and the external marking of the noise values are ECE R 41 mandatory.[1] The ECE R 41 is also available in the EU for new two and three wheels from 1. In January 2016, the euro-4 standard was implemented. From Wiki
The dB killer is removable. It is not welded, but is secured with a searing.
Then a current silencer is not permitted for road traffic.
The silencer is approved for my Aprilia SX 125 2018.
Is it approved for your model?
What do the AGB have to do with it?
Yes, he has a GTC.