Kennt jemand das Musical romeo und julia liebe ist alles und wenn ja wie findet ihr es?
Ich suchte grade dieses musical und würde mich einfach aus intresse freuen wenn ihr eure Meinung dazu teilt . Zum Beispiel welches euer Lieblings Lied ist und einfach solche Sachen.
I like it.
I like “Hide to the rich” and “Live death” most.
Cool question!
I’ve been there two times. And I’m so shock-loving!
History is reproduced in older language & it is a bit difficult to understand at the beginning. Nevertheless, you come along well with the action. I also find the costumes, the light and sound design simply mega. Of course, the songs are also the absolute hammer! Slowly, sometimes dramatically calm and emotional!
Also the performers are quite great, nice & passionate people! Both on and next to the stage.
My favourite songs: Rosalinde, Mercutios Dream, It Live Death, then fall I, I don’t give you up, Young Be, The War is Out, Love is All
So actually all 😁
My favourite costume: Romeo & Death Angels
And the best comes to the end: My favourite actor: Paul Csitkovics ▼ ( Romeo)
Look at that. It’s brilliant. Unfortunately it only plays until January 4. There are 44 shows to serve.
Have fun!