Kennt jemand cx file explorer?

Bei unbekannten Programmen und Programmieren bin ich vorsichtig. Dieses Programm lies mich Ruck-Zuck per Android auf Windows Freigaben. Super, aber man muss den Machern vertrauen…

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3 months ago

I’ve been using the CXExplorer for ages.

However, I use “MyPhoneExplorer“. This uses own clients on the respective devices for data exchange/synchronization.

When installing it it is essential to note that some installers of 3rd providers can contain unwanted addware that you have to choose explicitly!

Maybe because the program now knows my password.

There is no problem with the MPE. Since the MPE uses its own clients that have the same file rights as the profile under which they are installed. The data exchange is secured via a freely configurable pin.

4 months ago

Yeah, I’ve been using him for years, what about him? It can provide an FTP server that can be used to access the cell phone files. This is neither a concern nor an unusual one.

read me Ruck-Zuck via Android on Windows Releases

I don’t know what you wanted to say.

4 months ago
Reply to  YorkNtl

The cx file explorer does not ask for your windows password.

4 months ago

Ah, so around, well, then change the password if you’re uncomfortable with it, but what you want with an Android device with probably less input options than a desktop is getting out of my mind.