Kennt ihr vllt 4 Vorteile für eine for -schleife?
Die aufgabe könnte sein: was ist eine for- schleife und nenne dabei 4 Vorteile für die Benutzung dazu
Die aufgabe könnte sein: was ist eine for- schleife und nenne dabei 4 Vorteile für die Benutzung dazu
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Wie kann ich in Pyton Name und alter fragen? bitte um schnelle antwort danke
Isn’t that so nonsense the question?
There is also no switch loop, but only a switch stage.
Perhaps better structuring, but that was dnan too.
Advantage over what?
Compared to a “While” loop, you can define the start value and increment step directly and do not have to do this through your own constructs within.
A for loop makes sense when it comes to making a certain number of iterations. The number can also be determined at runtime, such as the number of elements in a list. Here is their advantage if one wants to withstand a while or do-while loop that the number of iterations is already fixed in the loop head.
A while loop makes sense if there is no firmness of how many iterations are needed, as this depends on a condition that occurs at an unknown time.
A do-while loop makes sense in the same case as the while loop, with the difference that in any case at least one iteration should be performed. (e.g. because the condition can only be checked)
A switch block has nothing to do with a loop and has another purpose.
If you want, you can still compare with a GO-TO loop.
In summary:
The different loops have different applications in which they have their strength, but no general advantages over other loops
So a switchGrinding is unknown at first sight. The rest can be discounted. :
Jup, me too. =D switch has nothing to do with grinding @Shiochan
Advantages you need a comparison.
What properties do you want to compare?