Do you know any “unbasic”/“special” worship songs?
I know it's not described so well in the question haha, so:
I have a friend who's recently become interested in God, reading the Bible, and praying, which makes me very happy, but… Today she told me that she'd actually like to hear more worship, but she doesn't like the "normal" kind, which I can understand, since it can be monotonous (but that doesn't bother me ). Now my question is, do you know any worship songs that don't fit the normal pattern of worship.
Examples include songs by Hannah Barr, Genavieve Linkowski, "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)" or "Rev it up" and "Clear now" by Alive City, or simply Worship, which gives off a bit of a Billie Eilish, Eminem, or Olivia Rodrigo vibe…
I hope you know what I mean 😅😅
Hii first beautifully that she is interested in God :). Here are some bands/musicians I like, but don’t know if you like it:
Hope it helps
okkkk Thank you, I’ll hear you in 😁🫶🏻
Pleases <3