Kennt ihr the rookie?
Wenn ja, wie findet ihr es? Ich liebs, aber viele finden es zu brutal für eine 12 jährige. Findet ihr das auch?
(Man muss dazu sagen das ich bei sowas nicht sehr empfindlich bin, ich hab auch schon mit neun Jahren Jurassic World geschaut)
Wisst ihr zufällig wo man die sechste Staffel kostenlos schauen kann?
No that’s not too brutal
I find The Rookie very good, watch the series and find the stories quite exciting
rubber ball
Yeah, I know it and don’t find it too brutal.
Staffel 6 comes next year to Disney +.
Really? I’m looking for it everywhere
This is because you are still too young to understand it! :-/Come on!
The age recommendations and releases actually (!) have a reason! These are not (!) arbitrarily defined, because one wants to “annoy/ punish” children!
“the rookie” I don’t know, but if the movie (!?) should be from 16 on, you shouldn’t watch the movie with 12 years!
There are only some follow from 16, but they are also relatively okay. Yes sometimes things happen that are not so child-friendly, but nothing too bad. So nothing that has anything to do with GV or something. More like something about it or something
So not really bad
I don’t really look at it, but it’s a nice series when you’re on something like that. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄