Kennt ihr noch Käpt’n Balu und seine tollkühne Crew?
Kennt ihr noch die Kinderserie Käpt’n Balu und seine tollkühne Crew.
Ich habe als Kind im Titelsong immer nur “Balu und seine Kuh” verstanden und dachte, damit wäre Rebecca gemeint. Wem geht’s noch so.
Should everyone know who looked at the Disneyclub.
I have never heard of German-sung title songs.
Luckily I have never misunderstood this 😀 Well by Peter Pan or other series I already knew the word.
With me, instead, another misunderstanding comes to “the guards of Pharaoh”. I know Alive as a word, but I heard “Mamis alive” in the intro, and as a child or a young teen, I am not sure when it was running on TV wondered. One should think it was self-explaining with mummy as protagonists, but well:D
Bom bom bom, bobobobom, bom bobobom….
O i eeeee Baluuuuuuu, o i o Baluuuuuuu *sing*
Of course I remember:) I liked that.
But with me it was the crew, not the cow ^^
I remember. But I didn’t hear the title song.
No. But I know Captain Blue Bear, with Hein Blöd and the Flöt.
Yes, that really always childhood especially with the magazines.
There should be movies, but I never saw them
Shall I sing the title song now?
I found him super. just like Chip& Chap, Knight of the Rehecht!
As a child always looked at