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Well, mothers, they’re getting new skills with their child’s birth.
With dreams I haven’t heard this yet, but what really is true, because even experienced and also got confirmed by other mothers:
Mothers hear their children scream, even if they sleep deep and firm.
It really is. Most often when the mothers are just under the shower.
You don’t smell, you mean hearing the baby screaming, you’re still running shampoo in your hair and sleeping soap foam into the baby room – child! you return under the shower, short time again this feeling, baby cries. All from the front. And baby sleeps. Baby sleeps IMMER!
My mother could also look through walls. I as a primary school child on socks! through the hallway, on the closed! Living room door past, go to the kitchen, stretch the hand to the fridge handle (would a slice of children’s sausage mops me), then Mutti calls from the living room: “Finger away from the fridge!”
When I became a mother myself, I was able to
I know at least one son whose mother is in a dream.
And when I come to her the next day and look funny. Something I know.
Old box
They do it not only in the dream but always. When I hurt myself as a child on the playground, my mother suddenly stood there because she just knew that with her child something is
There is no such thing. If then these are coincident or subconscious perceptions.
Are you a man?
As far as I know.
No, I don’t know
fears are completely normal