Kennt ihr gute Serien auf Netflix ab 16 oder 18 ?
Die Fsk ist egal , aber ab 16 oder 18 wäre gut .
Habe nur Netflix, so in die Richtung von Riverdale , Wednesday oder Stranger Things wäre cool.
Ich habe schon geschaut :
Riverdal , Wednesday , Stranger Things , Htgawm , Lockwood und Co , Untergang des Hauses Usher , Chilling Adventures of Sabrina und Shadowhunters .
Danke für die Antworten
•Pretty little liars (13,if you have Amazon prime video.)
•K-12 (Film-YouTube -From Melanie Martinez.)
•Fear street (film,FSK 18,16.)
Thank you.
Please (K-12, but I don’t think I have a FSK and there’s only it in English, but I’d already class it between 14-18.)
is currently not on netflix but pretty little liars has a similar flair as the first seasons of Riverdale!
Okay, thank you, I’ll take a look
Here are more good series from 16 and 18, which are my recommendations:
Just look through, I’m sure what’s going on for you.
Thank you.
We almost have the same taste. (“Wednesday”, “Stranger Things”, “The Fall of the House Usher”, “Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina”). Other series I recommend:
If you liked “The Fall of the House of Usher”, you might also like the other series of Mike Flanagan:
In addition:
Thank you, I’ll look at that.
By the way, “Ash vs Evil Dead” is also the only series I have mentioned, which is released from 18 onwards. The others are all from 16. “Ash vs Evil Dead” is a mixture of horror and comedy, but the creepy scenes are quite splatter-like.
Cobra Kai may.
The series surprised me relatively positively. Thought that could be just a new-fashioned crap. But mostly, I found the series very good.
Thank you.
Vampires Diaries 🙂
Thank you.
Squid Game
Thank you.