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… a lot.
But what comes into question for you depends on
Here we could Pages Rewind knives because you do not make any restrictions. The net is full of it, just look for “EdC knives buy”.
If you have very precise ideas (the above points can be answered clearly), you might be able to Make suggestions.
This has nothing to do with “Survival” or “Outdoor”, an EDC is something you always and everywhere carry around with you.
So with nem ESEE 4 you don’t do much wrong.
As an EDC-MEsser? So one you always wear on the person every day?
Sure. Legally to lead and grow every situation in everyday life
See, that’s what it’s all about. Why don’t you call your conditions? Then I can also suggest you more meaningful knives for you, that are in your price range etc.
That’s why I’m preaching all the time.
PS: The Merlin is really great. No kidding. I’ve had this for several years (from it came out). And it is now over 30% reduced in price, which has last cost normal 299,-.
It costs a fortune
I just got you the inadequacies of your (too open) question shown.
Call your ideas, your price range, as written in my answer. Then you can make at least one meaningful suggestion from the remaining options (which are still very many) that also fits you/your ideas and possibilities.
Your question is about as useful as “what is the best car”? – For for one, it is quite different than for the other, depending on the exact need.
You just want a choice?
OK, please. Böker Merlin.
So, does that help you? If not, why exactly?
Somehow, you have to “release” details so we can answer our answers can respond to your ideas and don’t just make choices that do nothing to you in doubt. …
Think about it, don’t mean bad. I’m writing the wolf here to help you and the matching knife for you to find…
Thank you, much better than @Waldmensch70 who didn’t really help me any more…