Kennt ihr Freunde oder Bekannte, die durch drogen ums leben kamen?
Ob langzeitschäden, überdosis oder selbstmörderische Wahnvorstellungen
Ob langzeitschäden, überdosis oder selbstmörderische Wahnvorstellungen
Also warum kauft man sich nicht gleich ne “normale” e Zigarette ist doch besser und umweltfreundlicher?
Ich habe natürlich nicht vor etwas in der Art zu tun aber ich habe mich gefragt wo so Dealer ihr Cannabis anbauen bevor sie viel Geld haben also bin ich auf Wohnung gekommen aber macht es eigentlich sinn in einer Wohnung Cannabis anzubauen oder kann irgendwie der Vermieter das finden oder so?
Hallo, Immer wenn ich Magic Mushrooms konsumiere…egal wie viel Gramm (höchstes war bisher 4G und das ist schon sehr hoch) habe ich meistens nur heftigen Bodyload also ein schwere Gefühl und die bekannten flüssigen Wandeffekte (Türen, Wände bewegen sich) aber nie irgendwelche Closed Eye Visions (Kaleidoskop Effekt) oder derartiges an was könnte das liegen ?…
– Nach Stand heute und rechtlicher Situation in NRW – Ich habe heute jemanden zu seinem Aufnahmetermin (stationär) ins Krankenhaus begleitet, weil anzunehmen war, dass er es alleine vielleicht nicht oder nicht rechtzeitig geschafft hätte. Er ist Alkoholiker und süchtig nach verschiedenen anderen Substanzen, darunter “Diazepam” (Benzos). Laut eigener Aussage ging es darum in Entgiftung…
Yes, a relative of me died with not even 50 years of long-term drug and alcohol consumption following a very serious stroke after he had suffered the worst agony with full consciousness for almost a year. 🙁
These layers are tragic but a perfect medium to deter people from it
Not quite. My classmate friend, her best friend was killed by drugs. :/ I find this so sad, especially among young people.
I’m 21 and I can tell you that there are many reasons…
Objective and Perspective Unemployment
Wrong friends and the environment
Overtrial curiosity
Wrong expectations (reinforced by people who celebrate drug)
Escape from problems
Youth’s lightness
In general, I can confirm that people who glorify drug or only tell positive about it do not want to truly accept that they have a profound problem. These people usually stay hanging and beautify their rest of the pathetic life
5 dead by tobacco use, 3 of them relatives (ma, aunt, big cousin), a homemate who smoked for years and got COPD, the last two years of her life hooked her at the oxygen bottle and looked so gray and decayed that they could have been considered a ghost, and a working mate, also heavy smokers, had been ill for years (weakable hospital without smoking), and then suddenly he had been found out in the whole
More severe drugs have never been common in my environment, as no big-city residents where coke & Co. can get at every corner, but tobacco kills millions annually, besides Alk the main killer among the drugs.
Oh yes, supplement, the ex of a working mate was a heavy alcoholic, she threw him out after he got violent against her and the son, and after a short time he got to death.
2 known by liver cirrhosis for alcohol consumption. A buddy through a golden shot.
Those I personally knew (4 people) died from the consequences of their alcohol consumption. People who died from other drugs, I have never met in person.
Yes, the man of acquaintance with multiple organ failures through alcohol abuse and the daughter of acquaintance by drugs.
The friend of my oldest sister has Golden shot given. That was over 30 years ago.
Yeah, some.
Someone from my family. Drugs+alcohol+cancers.
Yes, I had acquaintances who died by alcohol and its side effects (and also knew someone who set himself a golden shot).
What is the golden shot?
An overdose of heroin. (intentionally, or unintentionally, both possible)
Yeah, a classmate and my uncle.
Yes, a good acquaintance/friend – he has deliberately given himself the “golden shot”. Long ago…