Kennt ihr edlere Pralinensorten die man nicht im Supermarkt bekommt?
Da man sich vlt schon mal etwas gönnen möchte aber nicht immer auf die Standardpralinen im Supermarktregal zugreifen will, wollte ich mal wissen ob es vlt. Premiumpralinen online gibt oder wo ich welche bekommen kann. Vielleicht könnt ihr mir ja gute Vorschläge machen :D.
There’s plenty of choice. Apart from that there are also excellent chocolates in some bakeries/confectionery and cafes.
The Chocolate Line Webshop – The Chocolate Line Webshop (
I’ve eaten myself in Bruges. Just delicious.
Shop fresh chocolates & truffles | Theobroma Cacao Chocolates Magazine (
I have valrhona Never eat anything that would not have tasted.
Thank you very venerable goddess from the dike. Praise be The idol of the dike, which gave us the sweet temptation of the chocolatier to her mercy 😀
My Zeus :-)) always likes to serve. And thanks for the flowers…
Thanks for the star powerful Zeus :-))))
Arko and Hussel have good chocolates in their range.
Otherwise you can look at Lindner. They have good things, but they’re not very cheap.
LG ChrystalDragon7 🍀
I have to try it too. Have a favorite ☺️
I really like the typical classics: I love Mon Cherie, for example.
From the Lindt Chocolates I like the Creola. They have real cocoa splinters in them and I just like them.
Otherwise, Marc der Champagne truffles taste chocolates, but only those with white chocolate.
I love white chocolate 🙈
Looks good:D
Läderach | All products | chocolatier suisse ( also has an online shop
Omg they have a huge white chocolate fountain 😮
and the chocolate is very good….
There’s a load in the Shadow Arkaden Düsseldorf :D…
So I find them very good here:
Lauensteiner truffle and chocolate specialities | 200 g in gift box | 16 Variants with/without alcohol | The gift idea for many occasions | 1 pack
These are available in different soets and pack sizes.
If you find her good, I must try her once 🙈
They’re really great. Lindt can’t stop at all.
Hussel or leysieffer e.g.
I buy truffles, but never online
Here you can order for example:
or here
Have you tried these before?
No, as written, I never order online truffles
Superfine Pralines Gembitter 70% by Moser Roth.
Go to a confectionery, there’s handmade.
I’ve never seen
Maybe not in everyone, but I’ve seen a lot, sometimes even tried. Are i. d. R. sauteuer, but also very good.
and a friend of mine advises. She was chief secretary at Lindt and she said that you should enjoy chocolate freshly. Since you get them very rarely fresh from the band, you should buy them where the sale goes quickly, so it is not long. She said that for this reason Aldi is highly recommended, in confectionery, the chocolates often lie around for weeks.
She once made a business trip to Belgium and visited a chocolate factory, where she could sample chocolates directly from the band. Incredibly delicious, she said,
I think she may have a fundamental right.
However, it is certain that the confectionery is wrong if you submit a flat-rate order that would sell old stuff (always have the reputation to lose), and I doubt that unusual and expensive varieties are always sold out in the supermarket.
I have a splint. I get every month a show of selected chocolates that always change. Google mal Pralinenclub.
Sounds interesting