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GTA 6 oder TikTok löschen?
Würdet ihr wollen, dass GTA 6 jetzt sofort rauskommt oder das TikTok ein für allemal gelöscht wird.
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Moin! Was kann ich dagegen tun? Ich kenne die Person persönlich kann sie aber nicht adden?
Jemand fremdes hat Bilder von mir?
Ich wurde ziemlich sicher gerade gescamt mithilfe von Tinder. Ich wurde nach meiner Nummer gefragt und habe direkt daraufhin freizügige Bilder zurückbekommen. Ich hab daraufhin auch oberkörperfrei Bilder geschickt, aber nie mehr…. Ach ja und die Nachrichten sind auch nicht so schön. Ja ich bin dumm.. Ich bin ratlos. Alle Social Media sind auf privat…
Verstehe dieses Meme nicht? Kann mir das jemand näher erläutern? Danke im Voraus!
Yes very calming voice 👍. But she can’t look every day, that would be too much for me. 😅
Best regards Sandknolle 🐥
No, but I should start with it.
Why? So what did you say?
She looks very sharp.
Excuse me?
But you’re on it.
Thanks, didn’t know she had a boyfriend. No, I didn’t want to be with her or something. I just didn’t know
Yeah, it’s normal nowadays. It’s pathetic that you get an inspiration to watch her videos. Help your mother think in the household instead of so
I just find her hot and you’ll throw me a addiction
Not with people like you
Chill please
She has a friend 😉 and power no joyful videos/content. Always these p. addicts here
You asked tho
Yeah, I know that channel, because I’ve bumped this channel by chance. Basically, I don’t think of people who do things. There are 100000000000 similar channels/thematic areas. In particular, a lot of crap is told/spread in such channels. And so I see it critical when one is influencer, because one has a certain responsibility.
What do you mean?
Jaa I know her. I’ve been there since her start. Your podcasts are the best!! For all true crime lovers, their true crime videos/podcasts are the best you can pull in!
No, not really. Very busy talking her way is not real.. When you look at old videos you can see that she has spoken freely, now she speaks very slowly very quiet, very well placed. I think it’s more the person and all that their very young fans like, less the content.
From time to time, I watch her videos.
No and no