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Who does not know Thin Lizzy has transplanted the world.^ Favourite song has always been “The Rocker. But be careful: there is also a single version that can be cut right into the ton, as this excellent guitar solo is missing. ^^
Yeah, I know. I like to listen to the band. It’s a pity that John Sykes left us yesterday.
I only know Thin Lizzy.
A rock n roll size from the green island. At 13 I first heard “Rosalie”, then I practiced on the guitar “The Boys are back in Town” and played with my band “Dancing in the Moonlight”.
No, I don’t know.
Sure. Have done good things.
Yes, I know Thin Lizzy and I learned today that John Sykes, guitarist of Thin Lizzy and Whitesnake, died.
Very pity
At that time with Gary Moore, those were still times.
A couple of years ago, when she was seen as a pretext of Judas Priest, it was a horny bitch.
Hammerlike song
Unfortunately, the guitarist John Sykes died, God saved him
*have saved him
Yes unfortunately 👎😒
Of course! Good music!
I do not know
Great. If you mean Thin Lizzy. “Whiskey in the Jar” probably knows most.
Just right
No, I honestly don’t know.
Very good.