Kennt ihr coole Foodtrends?
Ich mache ein Picknik mit Freunden und muss was cooles mitbringen. Muss vegetarisch und kalt essbar sein!
Ich mache ein Picknik mit Freunden und muss was cooles mitbringen. Muss vegetarisch und kalt essbar sein!
Hallo mal wieder, eine Frage: – Die Tomaten Marke “Tasty Tom” (500 g, Niederlande) kürzlich bei ALDI gekauft. Eine davon hatte dieses oberflächliche Loch, das wurde rausgeschnitten, darunter war nichts, d. h. es war kein Schimmel oder so. Sie schmeckte im Gegensatz zu den anderen Tomaten aus dieser Packung etwas säuerlich. – Was kann das…
Hello as already described in the headline I am looking for an easy, quick to make dessert that is also a little sweet if possible. Thanks in advance
Heyo, was eßt ihr immer so bei der Arbeit, Ausbildung oder Schule? Ich bräuchte ein paar Ideen
Ich will sie auch mal probieren, um mir einen eigenen Eindruck zu machen.
Do a Poha! I’m addicted.
Make sure everyone tastes.
Did you try? How did you taste it?
Can also give you an original recipe in English
Black garlic in chocolate coat
Black garlic does not look particularly delicious at first sight, but if you have tried it, you will quickly realize why it is so popular in Germany.
Ingredients: Black garlic cloves, as desired tender or whole milk chocolate, white chocolate
Preparation: Melt the chocolate in the water bath. The individual toes each spit with a toothpick and dip into the chocolate. For cooling, place on a plate with baking paper. When the chocolate is solid, the white chocolate melt in the water bath and garnish the black garlic as desired.
The black garlic is not a certain variety whose toes are black. Black garlic is garlic that has passed through a controlled ripening process at warm temperature. The garlic is fermented as a whole bone. After ripening, it has changed the color, its texture and taste. More on The taste of black garlic is complex and difficult to describe. We would describe the taste as sweet, hearty and umami (meaty hearty note) with subtle notes of liquorice, molasses, prunes and a subtle garlic aroma. The mixture of tough texture and taste makes the product exceptional. It does not leave a stinking breath and is not sharp. So he not only enthuses consumers, but also his environment. In addition, it is more bearable for the stomach, as white garlic.
Bake a cake, pizza, waffles, fruit salad or simply salad