Kennt ihr Austauschprogramm?

Habe viel von Deutschland und seine Behörden gelitten. Würde gerne woanders leben. Ständig wird gemeckert das man es hier so gut hat davon erfahre ich eher das Gegenteil und will lieber Auswandern. Kennt ihr im Internet Austauschprogramm e wo ich mich bewerben kann? Land ist egal Hauptsache weg hier die können nicht regieren….

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1 year ago

Purely theoretically, all of Europe is designed to encourage you to apply for yourself, without a visa and without any training, and to test whether it is better there than in Germany. Only nobody rolls out a red carpet and nobody takes you. You have to get it yourself. You can consider what you have as a delivery driver without language knowledge of the national language for chances of getting a job. Just do it!

1 year ago

You can go anywhere where you can enter/immigration.

This depends primarily on your requirements:

  • Education
  • Citizenship
  • Family relations in the target country
  • Financial resources
  • Language skills

If it fits, no one will keep you safe.

Problems are traveling with and mocked throughout the world. Just and also about the respective policy.

1 year ago

How is it possible to complain about something good?

Germany looks too little from abroad, always wants to cook its own sweetheart, believes everything better.

But in Alaska, changing drivers are being sought.

1 year ago
Reply to  luibrand

For dog sleds?

1 year ago


I’m sorry to hear you’re unsatisfied and interested in an exchange program or emigration. There are actually various programs and ways to go abroad. Here are some options you might consider:

  1. Study abroad: Many countries offer international courses that allow you to study abroad. You could apply to universities in the desired country.
  2. Working abroad: If you want to work abroad, you could search for job opportunities and apply to international companies if necessary.
  3. Exchange programmes: There are various types of exchange programs, including student exchange programs, work and travel and more. Learn about programs offered by governments, educational institutions or organizations.
  4. Voluntary work abroad: Many organisations offer volunteer opportunities abroad, where you can participate in various projects.
  5. Immigration and visa: If you want to live in another country in the long term, you must observe the immigration rules and visa regulations for the destination country. This can be complex depending on the country.

Before you decide for an emigration or an exchange program, it is advisable to carefully check your options and thoroughly inform you. You could also talk to immigration authorities, embassies or consulates of the target country to get information about the requirements and possibilities. Consider that emigration and exchange programmes require careful preparation, including legal aspects, finance and personal adaptation.

1 year ago

Well, if you don’t have a foreign spouse right now and move to his home…………………….Extradition driver actually has every country enough, and companies will roll out the red carpet for such a job.

When a delivery driver pays, I would rather remain faithful to the German social network at your place.

1 year ago
Reply to  white555

How did you want to finance your emigration? How to get clear in professional life without language skills? Let the thoughts fall quickly.

1 year ago
Reply to  white555

You don’t understand. To get a residence permit abroad, you need a work permit. But you don’t get that for a job that can be exploited by your own countrymen.

1 year ago
Reply to  white555

Unfortunately, emigration is usually dependent on income.