Kennt einer diese Käferart?
Seit kurzem haben wir tagsüber am unserem Küchenfenster diese Käfer.
Seit kurzem haben wir tagsüber am unserem Küchenfenster diese Käfer.
Hallo, ich würde gerne wissen, ob euch generell Stadttauben nerven würden oder nicht (sowohl für die GF-User/innen die in der Stadt, Großstadt leben, als auch die, die im Dorf bzw. am Land wohnen und hauptsächlich beruflich als auch gelegentlich für eine Shoppingtour bzw. für andere private Erledigungen, Freizeitaktivitäten in die Stadt, Großstadt hineinfahren)? PS: Bitte…
Ich habe heute einer kleine Spinne,geholfen das sie an die frische Luft kommt,ab dem Zeitpunkt habe ich selber gemerkt,das ich keine Angst mehr haben brauche vor Spinnen… Habe ich dann meine Angst überwunden?
Hi bin 15 und hab heute 20 von den Fliegen erledigt. Aber es sind immernoch kleine Babys von den übrig was kann ich dagegen tuhen?
Hallo, ich habe mir letztens 3 Phidippus Regius N3-4 gekauft. Was bedeutet „N“? Ich kenne nur die Bezeichnung FH (Fresshaut). Bedeutet „3-4“ dass sich der Züchter nicht sicher ist welche Fresshaut oder was bedeutet das genau?
Ich bin heute spät nach Hause gekommen und habe eine riesige Spinne entdeckt. Nun stelle ich mir die Frage um was für eine Spinne es sich handelt. Kann mir jemand weiter helfen?
Hey, in Kinderzimmer ist eine Stinkwanze geflogen und krabbelt nun irgendwo leider habe ich sie nicht gefunden. Mein Sohn will nun nicht schlafen, da er Angst hat da sie auf ihn sitzt oder auf Ihn krabbelt in der Nacht. Was kann ich tun?
Do you have tables in the area/in the garden? Or firewood stored in or on the house?
My suspicion would be one of Ash-based beetle, who are responsible for the ash extinction.
There you should fight him – in the house, he doesn’t do anything.
Actually, I stored ash in the house. Okay, that’s good to know. So it’s best to get out of the wood or get out of your own?
You’re gonna leave by yourself when you open the windows.
But if there’s more wood in the house, it can take time.
I’d like to keep it outdoors for some time.
And that would also explain why the railroad liked the tree.
That’ll be it, probably yes.
Ash-based beetles are not fought (at least) in the forest. Its role in assembling seems to be that of secondary pests, which naturally benefit from the weakening of the host.
For species eating under the bark ist a direct control is very difficult anyway – sometimes I am glad that they are only very difficult to achieve with chemical means: if only locally and with a short duration of action (wet means for drilling in or out of lying wood, but if there is an approved means for the ash-bast beetle at the moment, I would have to look first.) Otherwise, only rapid withdrawal of (possible) breeding space helps. Both very difficult for species that can eat for a long period at different stages of wood (from the still living tree to the dead wood as long as it still has bark).
Mm, I just know about a few communities here who wanted to do it. Some have already been liked.
As always stop 👍🏽ðŸ ̃‰
Well, then we agree! 😁
It’s been a few years. Our neighbor also has problems with it in his wood (wood).
Our communities here have the “problem” that the donkeys liked to be planted on roads – and thus have actually been at risk.
Of course, there is no point in fighting the beetles or mushrooms – it is only necessary to be careful that there is nothing to risk people. That’s what I meant.
Diseased ash is sometimes already liked, even here.
On the one hand, to use them as long as the wood value has not yet been destroyed.
On the other hand, of course, for reasons of traffic safety, since dead branches can fall down, or also, what we have seen in recent times, can tip over the trees as a whole. Here (secondary) root destruction by Hallimarsch should play a role.
At least here where I know it, however, there are specimens where there is no special economic value (more) to be saved and where there is no need for traffic safety, as a rule. Such a procedure, which relates only to a fraction of the colonizable wood, cannot, however, be effective control of the pathogens. So at least we don’t fall for this reason.
A juniper maybe
Hmm looks similar but they are not 10-15 mm tall. Maximum 2-3 mm.
I think they’re growing first:D
But I’m sure there’s someone who knows better than me.
You could do that picture. letting you also search via Lens (image search), then google also tells you what to do