Kennst du Greenhouse Academy?
Hey zusammen, ich gucke in letzter Zeit unheimlich gerne die Netflixserie Greenhouse Academy!!!
Bin aber erst bei Staffel 2, also bitte nicht spoilern!!!
Welcher Charakter ist euer Lieblingscharakter? Schreibt mir!!!
Ich freue mich über jede einzelne Nachricht!
LG Wandlergirl
I know that many Brooke don’t like!!!
But I find it a very strong character and she has been through so much in season 1 and season 2!!!!
You and Alex are sooo sweet!!!
LG converter girl
P.S.: Please tell me if your Brooke finds soooo great!
Can anyone write?????
I am so curious!!!!
Yes Brook is great!
I don’t have a real reason I’m very sorry, but I just like Leo. I think he’s very nice and helpful. He is always at the place when someone needs his help, even if they are his enemies. He’s kind of holding back, just like me.
Jaa… Max or Maximillian I like very much. He’s very funny and he’s confusing.
I’m glad to see others like the greenhouse academy. Sooooo cool….!!!!!!!
Brook is also rolling, as I listen to you!!!
Ooo I’m sorry for all the typos
So I like Leo, Hayley, Alex and Brooke who have megaaa character
Actually, I have three favorite characters:
Brook and
I was very sad when Jackie left the Greenhouse. I wish there was another season to come out, but that’s not happening.
I took Brook because she is a strong and self-confident character, but I wish that Hayley and Daniel come back together so much. YOU’RE GOODS FOR INTRODUCTION!
But then Leo came who had often broken her heart enough.
I was very dissatisfied with the end because it ended badly and finally Hayley was back with Leo.