keine zunahme trotz kalorienüberschuss?
hey leute ich hab ein problem ich bin 18 (weiblich) 1,63 gros und wiege 41kg das heist ich bin untergewichtig und mein bmi liegt bei 15.4 . ich war schon oft beim artzt der mich untersucht hat und mir auch blut abgenommen hat aber mir wurde immer wieder gesagt dass ich top gesund bin und auch nix mit meinen blut werten habe oder was mit der schilddrüse. ich habe jz seit 4 tagen angefangen wieder zu versuchen dicker zu werden denn wie davor immer bleibt mein gewicht schon seit 3 jahren immer gleich also wie gesagt ich hab es dann vor 4 tagen wieder versucht und beim ersten tag wog ich noch 41.5 und als ich dann angefangen hab mehr zu essen als sonst wog ich am 2 ten tag 42,5 dann hab ich genau weiter so viel gegessen und der 3 te tag war 42,3 und heute der 4te tag wiege ich 42,2 also was ich damit einfach sagen will ich war die tage im kalorienüberschuss aber mei gewicht geht andauernd wieder runter ich esse so viel dass mir sogar übel wird und bitte kommt mir nicht mit stoffwechsel ja es kein sein dass mein stoffwechsel schnell ist aber ich kann doch nicht mein leben lang stark untergwichtig sein . ich hoffe dass ihr vielleicht eine antwort auf meine problem findet lg sara
Four days are nothing. It’s not that fast.
1 kilogram of body fat corresponds to 7000 kcl. That is, if you eat 500kcal about your needs every day, it takes two weeks to get a kilo.
To weigh more than once a week You do not, as there are daily fluctuations that say nothing about the actual increase or decrease.
It doesn’t bring anything to eat you to nausea. See that you feed well and moderately over your actual needs. But if your body doesn’t want it or doesn’t need it, it’s like that. The most important thing is that you are healthy.
Hey, build weight takes a little!
It’s easier than take off, but it’s not going within a few days.
If you have problems eating regularly and taking enough calories to you, there are also shakes and special drinks to take enough calories to you. Among them are Fresubin, Fortimel, and many manufacturers of Sportshakes. Also people who run bodybuilding also have problems taking enough calories. Maybe this would be something for you in addition to a healthy diet.
Be patient!
There are also Abnehmshakes. You only drink them in addition. 1x morning 1x in the evening. The sknd about 400 kacal additionally on the day.
Sure, they do. You should also compare price and taste! Fortimel and Fresubin come from the medical field, Shakes are also offered to take off and from the sports area are often very expensive. The remaining diet should also be balanced:)
From 4 days in the calorie surplus, you can’t expect much. At 4 weeks you could have looked again how much you ever take to you, but 4 days is no time
Above all, how high is the surplus .
my need is 1600kcl and I take 2,5-3k to me
Of course it is. 100kcal excess last until you notice, 1000kcal goes quite fixed
Then just wait
Increase doesn’t work equally fast on everyone.
Most thick it falls extremely hard to take off. Probably it’s exactly the pond with you with the increase.
You need time to really do something. After 4 days, you can’t wait. Try it for really 4 weeks and be 300kcal always over your normal daily needs. Then it should gradually become what.
I hope you know this takes longer than 3-4 days. Keep going through your overshake and weigh yourself after 1 week. Are you still training? Did you count that?
Weight gain or weight loss is never liniar. Variations in both directions are completely normal. And in 4 days, there’s not much happening. You should see your zeil more long-term and adjust your diet accordingly.
The calorie figures are maximum indicative values and no accurate science. Besides this number, is almost as important as you eat and drink and how many meals and snacks you take.
Would you like to increase many small meals a day better
7000 calories more are a kilo. How much calories do you eat per day?
About 3k kcl
163 cm – 60 kg – normal weight
163 cm – 54 kg – Ideal weight
I would have suspected a thyroid hyperfunction now, but if it’s OK, maybe in a clinic or a nutritional consultancy.
A thyroid hyperfunction is manifested not only by a slim figure, but primarily by other rather unpleasant symptoms.
And even then one can eat untreated only about a slice of bread more a day.
Just let it be…
PS: Static She would have seen a subfunction. 😉 (underweight -> subfunction and non-overfunction -> subweight).
I wouldn’t have laughed today. You have no idea and a lot of it.