Keine Wirkung bei Gras?

Hey, ich rauche seit April gelegentlich Gras, viele meinten das man bei dem ersten jo*nt kaum was spürt – war bei mir auch zutreffend. Komisch wurde es als ich bei anderen auch nie was gespürt habe – ein Beispiel: der Freund von meiner Mama und ich haben ein paar jo*nts geraucht und ich habe mehr als er geraucht (so um die 3 stück. Das war noch gemischt mit Hasch*sch), er war komplett weg während ich nichts gespürt habe… Das nervt mich irgendwie da ich dieses extreme mal haben will – klar ich werde schon ruhiger bzw etwas müde aber mehr ist es nicht.

Ich hab auch schon B0ng geraucht, hat mich die ersten paar Sekunden kurz weggehauen aber danach war es wieder normale jo*nt Wirkung :/

Habt ihr Tipps oder Tricks mit denen ich eventuell mal einen krasseren Rausch haben kann?

(Ich zentriere die wörter mal da ich nicht weiß ob es sonst gesperrt wird -.-)

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8 months ago

I have been smoking grass occasionally since April,

And why?

At 14, you don’t even have to smoke, let alone joints.
So you don’t just ignore the fact that you’re not allowed to smoke by the law enforcement, but you’re still putting up the crown and you’re taking drugs that are not allowed for you.

while I didn’t feel anything.

Then the subject has finished for you and you can leave it.

Do you have tips or tricks

will only be 18, before you ask others to help you with illegal actions and to make yourself even more criminal.

8 months ago

It seems to me most noticeable that you have bad material. Otherwise, for example, music can improve the noise.

8 months ago
Reply to  Honey1509

Then take care of your “resistance” where you don’t think that’s so close

8 months ago

You have not centered the “words” – you have ‘censored’.

You will certainly get your ‘cracked noise’ very soon, because by now you are so excited about ‘completely away’ with your 14 years that you will add a so-called ‘non lethal overdose with cannabinoids’, which other consumers call ‘bad trip’.

So they mean the appearance of cardiac turf, panic, anxiety, nausea, derealization, depersonalization and considerable time shifts due to too many cannabinoids.
In this connection it is often also spoken (femalely) by ‘psychosen’, but only the effect of the overdose is about ‘psychotic’ for a long time.

8 months ago
Reply to  Honey1509

An entire joint is usually sufficient for 4 – 5 people.
Consumers who can handle cannabis correctly often only need a single, ideally dosed ‘inhalation hat’ by purpipe or vapo.
Tobacco as an extender in the joint, is like additional mineral water in the beer.

8 months ago

There are actually people who are immune to the intoxicating effect of the Thc, maybe you belong to it.

I’ve read that Mango should strengthen the effect – whether it’s true, I don’t know.

But if you don’t feel anything, maybe you should just leave it.

8 months ago
Reply to  Skully87

‘Mango’ is a long-established legend.
Others say ‘girls’.