keine volle 12 Monate beschäftigt, Steuern zurück?

Nehmen wir an:

Januar-April Beschäftigung Arbeitsgeber A

Mai-Juli keine Beschäftigung

August-November Arbeitslos gemeldet mit Arbeitslosengeld

ab Dezember Beschäftigung Arbeitsgeber B

Gibt es beim Lohnsteuerjahresausgleich etwas zu beachten?

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1 year ago

Where do I indicate the non-employment periods in Appendix N?

There is no field – so you don’t have to specify.

Important are the details of the wage (line 5 et seq.) and any advertising costs (costs related to the activities you had). As well as the unemployment benefit as a wage earner (see line 23).

You do not have to fill out the fields that are all marked in such a doll green (therefore, the tax office has eleltronic data).

In fact, the jacket sheet would be filled and signed (without the plant N).

However, if you had advertising costs above €1,230 (until then an amount will be automatically taken into account as a WK), you must fill out the Appendix N in the advertising costs accordingly.

Is there something to be taken into account in the compensation of the pay tax year?

Only that you add the corresponding values in the correct lines (green lines do not need to fill out as I said. Advertising costs, if over €1,230, in the corresponding rows).

PS: It is called “income tax declaration, not pay tax year compensation (the employer).

no full 12 months, taxes back?

In view of the fact that you were tätog at two different AG, too much pay tax has been retained for you.

If and at what level you get a refund, you can’t say exactly here.

In addition, the unemployment benefit also increases your tax rate at the back, as it is below the advance rate).

In the end, it depends on how much income tax is fixed with tax ruling and how much you have already paid by the wage tax (if you have paid more than fixed, you will get the wage tax paid too much).

1 year ago

Since both wages were paid and wages were paid, there is an Estonian. – Explanation required. It may be that the full wage tax is refunded.

1 year ago
Reply to  glady104

The figures from the employment relationship and the wage compensation are already available to the tax office. So you only have to specify your advertising costs (if you exceed the flat-rate amount €1,230).