keine schöne Charaktereigenschaft?

Wir hatten letzte Woche eine kleine Familienfeier, und da ist meine Tante auch oft präsend. naja die Dame ist Anfang 70 und hat nichts besseres zu tun als den jüngeren immer wieder zu verklickern ,, Ihr müsst mal für Eure Eltern zahlen wenn die ins Pflegeheim müssen” .

Ich selber kenne diese Kommentare/ Bemerkungen/Anspielungen nur zu gut.

Irgendwann war es mir damals zu dumm und ich habe dem wenigen voll Kontra gegeben.

Das kann die Jugend anscheined heute nicht.

Zu bequem ?

Jedenfalls ist mir der ein oder andere Spruch aufgefallen , wie z.b.

Wenn jemand stirbt dann erhalten die Erben Post, besonders bei Schulden “🙃

-Meine Mutter hat damals KEINE Post erhalten , bei ihren Vater und bei ihrer Mutter auch nicht, als sie verstoben sind.

Naja eben so das Kommentar,, Was machst DU wenn Deine Eltern mal Pflege brauchen ? “” das müsst ihr zahlen.

Die Kinder, zu denen diese Klug sch….Sprüche einprasselten guckten nur auf ihr Handy und zuckten mit der Schulter.

Meine frage ist, warum sind manche so ?

Will man damit jüngere unterbuttern ?

Ebenso die Kommentare ,, Du kriegst mal keine Rente” 😂

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1 year ago

I have an acquaintance who is 74 and is similarly destructive as well as not clashing in the choice of their means – always only negative, always only bad, always everything is dramatized and you mean to come too short. I’ve also been told things like I’m going to be old too, and I’m supposed to have more understanding and always go to the phone because it’s not a state that I work; When I was your neighbor, I found more time. Now I live two hours away, she doesn’t want to understand it or knows that an evening visit is not possible, but she is three times enough to try it again and again.

The fact is, such behavior, continuous underswelling attacks and the turmoil on this “levelau” can be deterrent. For example, I also avoid talking to a married relative, for which it is only about money and about state thinking and matter – it is too annoying and too exhausting in its kind.

In my opinion, several factors lead to such behaviour: On the one hand, dissatisfaction and bitterness, on the other hand, a generally tasty character, who always only sees the seemingly bad, on the other, the desire to humiliate others and to bang them what to the lobe according to the motto “main thing vaccinated”. Some are so, partly I have also experienced that it depends on the mentality and origin of the person – I have made such experiences in the main thing in the Franconian and with Sudeten Germans, where the tone is often very slow and cheeky, or rather so “I know yes net”-like roaring-like. In addition, there is usually the fact that the younger are generally considered and younger people either do not take seriously or reject any competence. A certain “struggles” in the negative sense and trinity/chuzpe belong to this – something you have to trust.

The best way to neutralize that. I think it is appropriate to avoid the encounter with the aunt, just as I avoid the contacts with this 74-year-old acquaintance who objectively has no reason to complain and avoid a lot of money, a beautiful house and stable health, if possible. You don’t change anyone like that anymore, you can only “take it and consume it as it is” and think about it.

1 year ago

The woman is disillusioned and bitter.

Before you judge, please consider – did she perhaps have a hard life (behaved) or a stroke of fate?

And with some things she’s right. The pension is at many a joke and nursing home costs are transferred to the relatives.

Yet, of course, I am right that it is not pleasant to have such a person around you.

It is probably also ignored.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Hey, we all have aunt like this or two uncles from the variety.
That’s where you listen to them, or you’re lying to them.
But that’s everyday when you have family.

1 year ago

Just let her talk. I’d get up and leave her left.

1 year ago

I do not find your summary here particularly enlightening, and I also wonder why you join the usual family chat here instead of discussing you kindly with your aunt

1 year ago

The aunt has…

1 year ago
Reply to  Edgar0815

Because the incredibly busy..

1 year ago
Reply to  Edgar0815

Because she might want to warn you, think about it ☝️🤔

1 year ago

Jaja, cut the young radish right

1 year ago

She showed you the way and only that counts ☝️

1 year ago

What is it?