Keine Schmerzen während der Periode?
Ich bin 18 Jahre alt, habe seit 7 Jahren meine Periode und hatte noch nie Schmerzen. Nicht mal ein Ziehen im Unterleib. Ist das normal?
Ich bin 18 Jahre alt, habe seit 7 Jahren meine Periode und hatte noch nie Schmerzen. Nicht mal ein Ziehen im Unterleib. Ist das normal?
W 15 Frohes Neues Jahr, trotzdem habe ich meine erste Frage. Und zwar habe ich während meiner Periode unheimliche Schmerzen so sehr das mir übel wird, dass ich nicht laufen kann und mich am liebsten einfach in die Ecke setzen würde. Ich habe das Gefühl das es von Periode zu Periode schlimmer wird. Nach GV…
Ich habe vor ca. 4 Wochen die Pille ohne Östrogen abgesetzt. Seit dem hat sich meine psychische Verfassung sehr gebessert (weniger Ängste und keine Panikattacken mehr), allerdings sind meine Gefühle zu meiner Partner so gut wie verschwunden. Es hat sich nichts geändert bei uns, wir hatten nicht mehr Streit oder sonst was. Wir sind seit…
Hallo alle gemeinsam! Ich bin nicht so Glücklich mit meiner Figur und weiß nicht ob ich doch etwas zu kräftig bin.. bin 1,70 und 66kg..
Ca 7mm groß also sieht man deutlich und aber glatt bzw. dunkelbraun den habe ich auf Fotos von vor paar Jahren nicht erkennen können
Wir hatten 3 Dates und es lief gut mir war bewusst das sie raucht, aber keine marihuanna warum hab ich immer Pech?? Ich hab vor 4 Monaten auch ein anderes Mädchen kennengelernt die auch gekifft hat und zu der ich Kontakt abgebrochen hab was haltet ihr davon ?
Moin hatte monuril bekomm für eine. Teraphi Leider merke ich keine besserung blase ist gereitz durch das ständig wasser lassen Soll ich noch warten oder morgen nochmal zum frauenarzt und ne urin brobe abgeben
Be glad not every girl or woman is. I have to take the pill since my cycle has completely failed for 2 months and I had great pain. Also now it is sometimes so that the first 3 cycle days are very painful.
Oje:/ I don’t take the pill and never took it
It is normal in the sense of not unnatural. Not normal, although relatively frequent, are extremely severe pain. A “normal” menstruation moves painfully somewhere between no pain and clear but still tolerable pain – most of which feel at least one pulling. But not all, in the point you have just had luck and can look forward to:)
In any case, there is no sign of disease, neither body disease nor psychic
I’d say.
Yeah, that’s good.
Thanks:) only girls know the problems with this from my environment
This is normal or better so, with the body something is wrong if you have abdominal pain or pain during the period
be glad
but can still change in the run of the decades.
Yeah, it’s normal.
Admire yourself after a good basic honor. If one believes scoring from the east one can reduce the phenomen itself (blood loss) by a completely basic worship almost to NULL…
Jaa I do sports and therefore feed me healthy:)
Because the body can’t get mad, that’s naturally bullshit. Just listen to the ScienceCops.
Sauer-acting foods also increased the readiness to dispense. Sugar and fat producers sposome unauthorized…
Always ask the question: WEM NUTZT ES – then you come on and look unexpectedly UEBER the edge of the plate…
Where people find themselves extremely basic one does not know the P problems…
I know it’s wrong and I gave everyone the information they can understand.
That you don’t adequately use your tiredness of providing information, I can’t do it. But it bears witness to not that great intelligence of your person.
ASV Aluhuete Schwurbler blurred. the triangle of meta-language when the arguments start…
remove the aluminum hat;)
Just be happy
Most women have no problems with it. The ones who have something that usually have very loud.
Really? I almost only know girls who have problems with it
Do you have any mood changes?
Regrettably, I’m a male being and should probably keep me out. But I used to be in a class with 27 girls and another boy. I’ve done Abitur and had a good average of 2.4. Studying seemed too risky to me, because it was meant that they often take a small part in the exams and go very deep into the detail. Unemployment was very high at the time, and so I went to the administration or became an administrative specialist, as it seemed to me certain.
As a 19-year-old, I was in a professional school class with another boy under 16-year-old girls. There was a lot of talk about girls, because almost only girls were in class. In fact, they all thought that they had no or hardly significant pain during their period. They thought, however, that they would still go through absolute hell during their days, as they had to fight with enormous mood swings. This could be felt in the class.
To be almost alone with 16-year-old girls, many imagine much better than it actually is in reality. This is not supposed to be a critique of girls, but it was not easy because they were very often in the class quite ancited or afflicted.
Yes, why not.
Everybody’s different.
Congratulations! I never had any problems. Look forward to it 🙂
Be happy!