Keine Physiotherapie nach Fuß OP, warum?
Hallo zusammen, ich habe mir vor ca 7 Wochen die Ferse gebrochen.
7 Wochen habe ich mein Bein nun nicht belastet oder sonstiges…. mein Arzt sagt mir das keine physio oder Reha bekomme und alleine lernen muss wieder zu laufen….
Wie kann das sein???
Kann mir irgendjemand helfen?? Was kann ich tun??
LG Anna
It can’t teach you a physio, it can only help you. But you should definitely do physiotherapy, not that they are getting used to or something. In addition, there should also be exercises that everything works with proper rolling etc…
Go to another doctor. After surgery, the family doctor actually has a quota of physio, which he may prescribe. Or orthopaedic or something.
Greeting Levi m/23
I’d go to another doctor and ask. At least the doctor should give you tips on what to look for.