Keine periode wegen untergewicht was kann mann dagegen tun?
Ich war so vor 3 Jahren deswegen schon beim Arzt der mir dann Tabletten verschrieben hat aber jetzt ist es wieder so unregelmäßig..Ich esse schon immer genug deswegen kann ich das nicht verstehen ich habe nur angst das ich dadurch unfruchtbar bin sollte ich meine Fruchtbarkeit beim arzt testen lassen geht sowas überhaupt?
Somewhere the underweight must come from if you take enough to you and don’t make excessively much sports there must be a cause that should definitely be found. If your doctor isn’t in touch, your next step should be a clinic where you’re going to the bottom.
Ne allso I make garkein sport and anyway eat big enough but all doctors usually say it is because of stress allso bring it somehow nothing
Then you should visit UNBEDINGT another doctor. Please don’t let that stand, change the doctor. Get a second opinion. You need to consider what underweight has in the long term for a harmful effect on your body. The cause must be found to even know what’s going on with you.
If the underweight is due, the first step should be relatively clear: coming to a healthy weight.
A doctor has to check whether everything is normalized.
Your body does not get enough nutrients to form an organism. He saves energy to keep you alive. There’s no sidelines like reproductive. That would be waste of material.
What can you do about it? You know yourself.
Well go to the doctor but I wanted to ask first
And normalize your weight.
You won’t be infertile.
Stress and other factors can also affect this. I would first take care of the right diet, everything else comes later
Well, if I don’t get my rule, I’m infertile