keine periode?
hallo, ich bin in meinen zwanzigern und habe über ein halbes jahr nicht mehr meine periode.
war schon beim Frauenarzt , sie war selbst verwirrt und wusste nicht weiter.
ich muss demnächst für weitere Untersuchungen ins Krankenhaus das wird aber noch viele monate dauern bis ich einen termin kriege.
hat jemand erfahrungen damit oder wüsste woran so etwas liegen könnte ? bzw irgendwelche hausmittel um wieder zu bluten.
How does your diet look like your weight + body size?
You write about a diet in another question. If the is wrong, this can negatively affect the period.
I’ve stopped it, and I haven’t been my period since. that’s been a couple months ago and I’ve increased.
Weight: 51kg
Size: 1.54m
That means you’re feeding yourself back to normal?
Even if you are balanced and fed enough, it can take a while again until the period comes back.
If she’s still out after a few months, you have to think about it. There are various causes (from stress to tumor everything is theoretically possible), since one has to make successive tests until one finds something.
Accordingly, you should talk to your pediatrician so that he can refer you to specialist doctors. And tell him how the whole thing started.
might also be the underweight that you might have had. May take until the physical functions re-enter.
Good for you.
Often the weight is the cause, with you probably not
Look past your family doctor, maybe he can speed it up.
Here you can find out Diseases-symptome/symptome/aussent-der-regelblutung-amenorrhoe-741323.html
Were your hormones determined? The cycle is controlled by hormones.
You don’t seem to have ovulation if you don’t get a period.
yes my hormonal are all in order
It can’t be.
Then you would get an ovulation and thus automatically a period.
If you’re insecure, a second opinion probably doesn’t hurt.
You want me to be another female doctor?
This will be your diet in the face of your other question.